There’s nothing wrong with talking about his day. It is a great way to be updated on what he’s up to, and a great way to keep the connection strong. However, we want to make this text conversation a bit longer with him, a bit more interesting, especially when you’re bored and have run out of topics! One of the main keys to making a text conversation with him longer, more interesting, and for it to not be forced is to ask him questions. Well, okay but exactly what topics can you talk about with your boyfriend over text? It’s not as difficult as you think, no! I’ve got you. 25 awesome topics to talk about with your boyfriend over text:

1. Childhood memories

This is one of the cute topics to talk about with your boyfriend since it makes room and it allows you both to bond closer with each other. By sharing and discussing childhood memories you get to share a part of yourself while making the conversation fun. It not only adds fun to your text conversation, but it also adds length (you’ll be having more to talk about), and value to it.

2. Exchange pictures and talk about them

Pictures are yet another amazing way to spice up your text conversation with your boyfriend! They could be any pictures: yourselves, childhood pictures, family, something interesting you saw, or of a place you’re in. Pictures are a great way to start a long text conversation, the best part of it? You’ll never know where it leads, it’s just hours of conversating.

3. Activities you did during the day

This is quite general, and well, normal. Sharing what you both did during the day is a good topic that can lead to other topics as well. It’s a great way to keep the connection strong and know even more about each other, especially if you’re long-distance.

4. Interesting things that happened

Of course, the highlight of the day is one of the best topics you could talk about with your boyfriend. Every day has a highlight, something interesting to it. Sharing it with your boyfriend (even if it’s just out of the blue), it’s a pretty awesome thing to do. For example, you heard, did, or saw something you didn’t in a long time, something happened, or someone told you something interesting. It’s cool to share, and it’s a good way to build the connection further on with your boyfriend.

5. Passions – Things you love

All it takes is a simple “I genuinely love…” to start a text conversation on passions and things you love doing. Normally, by the time people get into a relationship this conversation is often one of the first to be discussed. However, simply putting out the fact that you enjoyed doing something today is a great way for the conversation to get fluid and move in other directions!

6. Your relationship

This is one of those decent conversation topics while texting with your boyfriend. It’s a great way to get more comfortable to openly communicate with each other on things that you love and things you’re not comfortable with within the relationship. Plus, it can easily turn into a romantic topic to talk about with your boyfriend over text!

7. Life & work

You don’t have to necessarily text about spicy things only to keep the relationship spark there. The relationship spark is induced through connection and understanding between you two. Talking about random things such as life and work is just as amazing of a topic as it is to talk about sexual fantasies. It allows you to connect and see each other on a deeper level.

8. Friends & family

Talking about friends and family will make you both have a clearer idea of how you two connect with other people other than each other. It’s a tremendously great way to know more about each other, and text with each other about other things rather than “I’m fine.”

9. Fears

If you’re both connected to a level that allows you to trust each other, then fear is yet another great topic to talk about with your boyfriend over text. It’s not a topic you can talk about every day, but it’ll add a little spice to your conversations allowing you to connect further, and find out more about each other while sharing vulnerabilities.

10. Superpowers

Something less pragmatic, why not? Use your imagination and give your text conversation a whole different direction with a simple question “What’s your superpower, superman?”

11. What you first thought of one another

Your initial impression of one another is a nice way to make each other giggle and keep the text conversation going. Sharing initial thoughts of each other can be a very fun conversation to have, and it can lead you to God knows where! Which is a good thing.

12. How you’d like to spend time with each other

Now back to a slightly more serious topic to talk about with your boyfriend over the phone. If there’s something you’d like to do more with your boyfriend or vice versa then, what a better way to know and let him know than talking about it. All it takes is a simple “I wish we went out for walks more often. I love walks with you.”

13. Decisions you regret and decisions you’re thankful for

We are constantly making decisions. Texting about decisions is fairly simple, you could ask your boyfriend about something he did but regret, or you could simply tell him. You’re continuously building your connection, so why not learn more about each other in the process!

14. Places you visited

This is something cool to talk about with a guy over text. Randomly shooting a picture and letting him know of the place that you’ve visited, is a great way to start the conversation. You could tell him what you loved about the place, and it automatically invites him to comment, or share a story of his own.

15. Places you’d like to visit together

This is a romantic one… Texting about places you’d like to visit together is a great way to keep the text conversation going for hours while you imagine each other happily wandering around cities together.

16. Your favorite thing about each other

This will give you that warm and fuzzy feeling. It’s a very romantic topic, especially if one (or both) of you had a strange or stressful day. It helps you relax and build appreciation within the relationship.

17. Music/Books/Movies

This one is very easy to do. Even though music, books, and movies are talked about at the early stages of dating, talking about them further into the relationship is just as fun. You could share what you’re listening to, watching, or reading at the moment and comment on it. Those conversations last for hours!

18. Traits of each other you haven’t talked about

You must’ve forgotten to talk about at least a few traits of each other! You could comment on those traits or even ask him about them. For example, “How come you’re so kind to everything and everyone?”

19. Dealbreakers & dealmakers

This is not only a fun thing to text about with your boyfriend or a guy you’re dating, it’s also a very important part to discuss with him. Eventually, you’ll have to know what’s a dealbreaker and what’s a dealmaker to each other. The best way to do it is to openly talk about it, even if it is through text.

20. Things bothering you at the moment

This is a great way to allow each other to open up to each other. You’ll get to share things that are weighing you down or stressing you out with someone who supports you and is there for you. A perfect way to further strengthen your emotional connection.

21. Things you’d like to try with each other

Hop in the train of imagination and take your boyfriend with you, won’t ya?! There are a lot of amazing and interesting things you can do with your boyfriend, why not talk about it. A beautiful and romantic topic is to text about things you’d like to try with each other. Keep in mind, you can make it as fun as you want to. It’s all up to you!

22. Happy memories

Whether it is happy memories of each other, happy memories of childhood, or a plain happy memory that’s been making you smile every time you recall it. You should both resemble a place in which there’s no judgment to each other, you should be free to say what you want to without fearing that you’ll be judged. What’s your happy memory? Tell him.

23. Make plans for the next time you meet up

Plans for when you meet up the next time are fun most of the time. It can get tangled a bit, but that’s why you’re talking about it: to untangle the mess and dilemma. Pick a place or an activity, or simply text ideas of what you’d like to try out next together. It’s a solid one!

24. What you’re thinking at the moment

Again, your partner shouldn’t resemble a place of judgment. If you feel like you’re left out of things to say or talk about, then simply text him whatever’s on your mind. Even if it’s just “What do we even talk about through text?” All it takes is a simple line to start a long conversation spiced up with interesting bits to it leading from one topic to the other.

25. Sex & fantasies

In other words, sexting. You’re a couple, and this should be pretty normal by now. If it isn’t, then you’ve got to start somewhere, preferably at night. It’s fun, it’s flirty, and it can get steamy. It is a topic you have to try if you haven’t. He’s your boyfriend after all.

Tips on finding what to talk about with your boyfriend over text

Sometimes the text conversations (hell, even IRL conversations) can get stuck, and you’re left with no idea how to continue talking to your partner. Well, it turns out it isn’t that difficult to find topics to talk about with your boyfriend if you simply know a few essentials on conversing. Here, are 10 tips on finding, and changing topics to talk about with your boyfriend over text:

  1. Keep it natural: Don’t force it. Forcing the conversation to one direction, or simply keeping it going can make it even more stagnant than it is. It’s a no-no. It can also lead you to end up texting him too much. We don’t want to do that.
  2. Ask him questions. A conversation can turn amazing with the right questions being asked without fear. Upgrade your texting game, ask him things you want to!
  3. Don’t be hesitant to add your own stories to the conversation. This is an amazing way for the topics to shift from one to the other. This way, making your conversations more meaningful and longer helps you strengthen your connection.
  4. Ask anything you’re curious about, point out things. Well, don’t interrupt him. But keep mental notes of things he said that caught your attention and start asking him about it.
  5. Let the conversation flow. As I mentioned at the beginning, forcing the text conversation to a direction can make the conversation stuck. Let it flow…
  6. Add gifs/memes/songs/movies. We’re always listening, watching, and reading something new. Sharing it with your boyfriend will be topic material and a great way to keep the conversations going.
  7. You don’t have to follow a pattern. You can ask the questions whenever you want to. It’s what makes texting more fluid and interesting.
  8. Spice it up sometimes, be spontaneous. You can simply shoot a question out of nowhere, a picture, or a gif. It makes room for how, when, who, why, which is great!
  9. Don’t hesitate to speak your mind, or even disagree with him. This way you let him know you’re a nice opinionated woman. It also allows the topics to shift without thinking about what next topic you’re wanting to talk about.
  10. Pay attention to what he’s telling you. This way you’ll have more material to ask questions, to note things he’s interested in, and topics he enjoys talking about.

Wrapping up: We’ve got plenty of topics!

You’ve got all the secrets, the topics, and the tips you need. What are you waiting for?! Text your boyfriend. … Oh, and don’t forget to come back when you’re out of topic. I’ve got you! Hugs, Callisto

What to talk about with your boyfriend over text  25 topics you didn t know you needed  - 19What to talk about with your boyfriend over text  25 topics you didn t know you needed  - 15What to talk about with your boyfriend over text  25 topics you didn t know you needed  - 12What to talk about with your boyfriend over text  25 topics you didn t know you needed  - 62What to talk about with your boyfriend over text  25 topics you didn t know you needed  - 29