What are some good excuses to leave the house when you live with your parents? Some of the best excuses include you are studying for an exam, you need to collect your purse/wallet, or you need to give your friend something. Strict parents can get in the way when you’re a teenager and just want to have fun. They have so many rules and regulations that sometimes you feel like you’re living in a prison. No doubt they are doing it for your benefit, but hey, there are days when you just want to let your hair down. All work and no play make for a boring life. If you want to outsmart your parents and get out of the house, here are fifteen good excuses guaranteed to buy you some time to paint the town red. 

8 Excuses To Leave The House If You Have Strict Parents

When you’ve made plans with your friends, but you know your parents aren’t going to let you out of the house, this is what you tell them. You are studying for an exam, you need to collect your purse/wallet, or you need to give your friend something. Keep reading for eight of the best excuses to leave the house if you have strict parents. 

#1 You Are Studying For An Exam

One of the reasons your parents are so strict is they want you to get a good education. So when you tell them you need to go to the library with friends to study, there’s no way they’ll deny your request. When they ask what exams, just say the end of year exams, even if it’s at the beginning of the year. Tell them you’re struggling with the module and you’re preparing early to ensure you don’t fail. Reading Suggestion: 16 Good Excuses To Miss Work On Short Notice Make sure you don’t make up an exam because they could call the school and check. Also, don’t say you’re going to a friend’s house to study because they’ll most likely want to know who it is and ask you for your friend’s address and phone number. To avoid this, say you’re going to the library. 

#2 You Need To Collect Your Purse/Wallet

Give your purse/wallet to the friend you’re meeting up with and tell them to hold onto it. When you get home, put on an act about losing your purse/wallet and search the house from top to bottom. Act as if it’s really important because you put some notes in it that you need to complete your homework for the following day. Arrange it so that your friend calls you partway through your search and explains that they’ve got your purse/wallet. Then tell your parents you need to go and get it because your friend doesn’t drive. When you leave the house, call your parents to buy some additional time and tell them you’re stuck in traffic. 

#3 You Need To Give Your Friend Something

For this one, have your friend give you their purse/wallet. Go home as normal and get on with the evening. Get your friend to call and ask whether you’ve got their purse/wallet. Reading Suggestion: 30 Good Excuses to Leave Work Early (on Short Notice) It will make the story more believable if you’re near your parents when the call comes in. Look through your bag and pull it out, and then tell them you need to go and give it to your friend because it’s got their door key in it, and they don’t drive. Again, to buy some time, call your parents when you’re part way there and say you’re stuck in traffic. 

#4 You’ve Got A Doctor’s Appointment

If you’ve got a good track record with your parents and they’ve never caught you out in a lie before, you can use the doctor’s appointment excuse without going the extra mile to make it look legitimate. But you’ll need to pretend as if something’s wrong with you a couple of days beforehand to make it more believable. Complain of continuous headaches and say you’ll make an appointment with the doctors. If your parents want to see an appointment letter because they don’t trust you, you may need to fake one. It won’t be hard to replicate a doctor’s letter in this technology-driven era. As concerned parents, they will ask what the doctor said when you get back. Reading Suggestion: The 10 Best Excuses to Not Hang Out With Someone Since you won’t have any medication as evidence, tell them the doctors ran some tests and said you were dehydrated and need to drink more water. 

#5 You’re Covering Someone’s Shift

Again, preplanning is required for this one. Tell your parents that you want to buy something like a computer game or some expensive make-up so you’ll take extra shifts at work. On the day you need to go out, tell your parents you’re covering someone’s shift, and so you’ll be back late. They’re not going to stop you, especially since you’re trying to be reliable and not dependent on them for everything. 

#6 Volunteering At A Charity Shop

If you don’t have a weekend job, you can tell your parents you’ve decided to become a good Samaritan and volunteer at a charity shop. At charity shops, volunteers typically spend the day arranging donations. So if your parents ask, that’s what you do all day. Also, don’t go over the top with this one and say you’re volunteering on Saturday and Sunday. Even all day Saturday is pushing it. Reading Suggestion: What To Do When Friends Distance Themselves From You? Just say you’re volunteering for half a day. Because as proud as your strict parents will be for you being such a kind soul and offering your services to help those less fortunate, they won’t want you sacrificing your studies. 

#7 You’re Going To Church

This excuse will only work if you don’t come from a religious family who already attends church on Sundays. It’s also important to mention that religion is a touchy subject for some people, and if your parents are not keen on religion, this might not be a good excuse for you. However, if they’re liberal and don’t mind what you believe in, you can tell them that a friend has invited you to church and you’d like to go and see what it’s all about. Reading Suggestion: 7 Strategies For Setting Boundaries With Toxic Parents After your first service, tell your parents how much you enjoyed it and want to continue going. This will be the perfect excuse to get out of the house and see your friends every Sunday. After a few weeks, you can say you’ve decided to join the choir, and they’ve got practice every Wednesday night, now you can see your friends twice a week! 

#8 You’re Going Shopping For Books

Tell your parents you’re working on a new project and you need to buy some books to help you. If they ask why you can’t get the books from your local library, tell them they’re special edition books unavailable in libraries. Now, since your excuse is that you’re going book shopping, you’ll need to go out and buy some books. So that you don’t break the bank, go to a charity store or a second-hand book store and buy some books on an obscure topic. They will only cost you a couple of dollars. Additionally, you may need to do some reading around the subject in case your parents ask you about the project. 

5 Excuses To Leave The House At Night And Go Out With Friends

Parents don’t like their teenagers going out late at night, and that’s not because they don’t trust their kids, but because there are so many crazies out there. So excuses like you have a babysitting job, you’re going for a run, or your friend needs to talk will help put their mind at ease. 

#1 You Have A Baby Sitting Job

Since you probably don’t have a real babysitting job, you’ll need to say you’re babysitting for a friend’s younger sibling. This one is risky because your parents might ask to speak to your friend’s parents. Reading Suggestion: 101+ Questions to Ask Siblings So I wouldn’t try and pull this off unless your friends have cool parents who will lie for you. Maybe you’ve got a friend whose mom and dad think your parents are too strict and feel sorry for you. If so, get them to help you. 

#2 You’re Going To Look For The Cat

This excuse will only work if you’ve got a cat, but where ever you’re going, you’ll need to take the cat with you. Since cats can’t talk, it won’t be able to rat you out. Prepare in advance by putting the cat basket in your car. This will work perfectly when it’s your turn to take out the trash. As you’re making your way outside, beckon the cat to follow you with a treat in your hand. Once you’ve dumped the trash, get into your car with the cat treats so the cat follows, and then lock the cat in the basket. The cat will be too busy eating its treats to be concerned about anything else. Roll the car window down a bit, so a passerby doesn’t accuse you of animal cruelty. When you come back in, wait a few minutes and then start looking for the cat. Once you’ve checked all the usual hiding places and realize the cat isn’t in the house, suggest that it probably sneaked out when you went to take the trash out. Reading Suggestion: How To Make A Guy Regret Ghosting You? Offer to go and look for the cat and have your friend meet you around the corner. You can spend a couple of hours together before going back home with the cat in your arms. 

#3 Your Friend Needs To Talk

Tell your parents your friend is having some terrible issues at home and they need to speak to you. Your parents might challenge this by asking why can’t you speak to your friend at school. You will respond that your friend doesn’t want the whole world to know their business, so they want to go for a drive so they can talk about it. To make it more believable, have the friend you’re going out with knock for you with red eyes looking depressed. Your parents will feel too bad to say no. 

#4 You’re Going To The Movies

Since you’re not really going to the movies, you’ll need to find out as much about the movie you’re telling your parents you’re going to watch because they might ask you about it, and giving generic answers will make it obvious you’re lying. This is especially true if you’ve got siblings because they’ll ask you way more questions than your parents. You can make the excuse more believable by buying popcorn at the movie theatre. Eat half and take the rest home. Your brothers and sisters will be too busy stuffing their faces to ask you any questions.  Reading Suggestion: What Kind of Girls Do Guys Regret Losing?

#5 Early Airport Run 

Tell your parents a friend of yours has offered to pay you to drive them to the airport in the morning. Say the flight is at 5 am, so you’ll need to stay at your buddies’ house to ensure they get there on time. This is a great excuse if you want to go to an all-night party. Just make sure you have a shower, wash your hair, and change your clothes before going home so that you don’t smell like you’ve been out all night. 

5 Excuses To Leave The House To See Your Lover

Since your parents are so strict, they probably don’t know you’ve got a partner, and for your relationship to work, you need to see your significant other often. Telling your parents you’re going for a run, going to the gym, or you’ve got sports practice will ensure that you can get out of the house often to see your lover. 

#1 Going For A Run

About two weeks before your night out, tell your parents you need to get into shape and that you’ll be going for long jogs three times a week. Get your lover to meet you around the corner from your house, and you can go out and do whatever. Reading Suggestion: Do Narcissists Love Their Children? Your strict parents probably don’t know you’ve got a lover, so this is a great way to see them often without making up different excuses. 

#2 Going To The Gym

Do some research on a gym a few miles away from your house and tell your parents you’ll be working out with a friend a couple of times a week. To ensure your mom or dad doesn’t randomly stop by the gym when you say you’re going to be there, make sure it’s not your local one. They will not waste their time driving out of town to watch you work out. When they ask why you need to travel so far, say your friend works there as a personal trainer, and they’re willing to help you train. If you don’t have any gym gear, you’ll need to go out and buy some to make this more believable. 

#3 You’ve Got Sports Practice

Tell your parents that your friend has put together a school basketball team for those who didn’t make the cut. You’ll be playing games against each other for fun so you can practice and hopefully make it onto the team next year. If you’re worried your parents won’t bye this one because you’re not the sporty type, tell them you’ve agreed to be the referee. 

#4 You’re Helping Your Friend Move

The scenario is that your friend will live with their dad because their parents are getting divorced. Your friend can’t afford a removal van, so they’re paying you instead to make a couple of trips across town to move their stuff. This job will take a while, so you can either spread it over a couple of days or if you want to spend the whole day with your lover, you can say the job is on the weekend. When you return home, just make sure you look tired and disheveled like you’ve been doing some heavy lifting. 

#5 You’re Working Extra Hours

Most teenagers have a job, and most teenagers want nice stuff that their parents can’t afford to buy them. So this is your perfect opportunity to leave the house a couple of nights a week. Reading Suggestion: How Do Adult Children of Narcissists Develop in Life? Tell your parents you’re saving for something expensive like a new laptop, and so you’re taking extra shifts at work. However, you will need to make sure you’re actually saving for a laptop because within a few months, you can rest assured you’re parents will ask where the laptop is. 

Final Thoughts

When it comes to making excuses to get out of the house, you shouldn’t overdo it because if your strict parents catch you, they’ll never let you out of the house again. The best thing to do is use one of the excuses that mean you’ve got to leave the house once a week or a couple of times a week. This way, you can escape parental suffocation without taking too much risk. 

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