Does She Like Me More Than A Friend 35 Signs She Does

Is she just a really good friend? Or is there something more to the story? Does she have romantic feelings for you? Or are you just close companions, and that’s that? If you have a close female friend, it’s normal to start wondering if she secretly likes you. This uncertainty may keep affecting you if you have feelings for her yourself, and you’re worried you might be stuck in the dreaded friend zone....

November 10, 2022 · 18 min · 3672 words · Mardell Higgins

Help My Girlfriend Won T Have Sex With Me Anymore

My girlfriend won’t have sex with me! Isn’t physical intimacy essential in a healthy relationship? Is she no longer attracted to me? How can I have an honest conversation about what’s going on? If you’re asking yourself these questions, you’re not alone. Sexlessness is on the rise, and one study found that approximately 15% of men and 27% of women haven’t had sex in the past year. Furthermore, about 15-20% of married couples are in a sexless marriage....

November 10, 2022 · 18 min · 3642 words · Amber Jackson

How Do Adult Children Of Narcissists Develop In Life

The only thing Alice ever got from her mother was contempt. She can’t remember a time when this wasn’t the case. This is how psychologist Daniel Shaw describes one of his patients in his paper on how narcissistic parents affect their children. Alice’s mother could not admit any imperfection. If anything was wrong – at all – it was Alice’s fault. After decades of dealing with this, Alice had come to believe it....

November 10, 2022 · 11 min · 2341 words · Melvin Briggs

How Does A Man Protect A Woman 14 Fundamental Signs He Is Protective Of You

Back in the days of caves, men were the protecting and providing ones, while women were the nurturing, caring ones. Today, that idea is almost absurd, but again, we can’t really escape that easily what has been programmed into our genes for thousands of years. Have you ever just wondered and discussed while having coffee with your besties, did he do this to protect me, is that even linked to R-E-S-P-E-C-T?...

November 10, 2022 · 19 min · 3948 words · Terry Noble

What Is Fragile Narcissism

People with classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) often seem conceited, boastful and arrogant. They monopolize conversations and have a strong sense of entitlement. If they don’t receive the ‘special treatment’ to which they feel entitled, they become visibly impatient or angry. Narcissists insist on having “the best” of everything — the best car, country club, neighborhood and social circles. People with NPD disparage and bully people that they consider inferior....

November 10, 2022 · 5 min · 914 words · Josie Griffin

Why Hasn T He Asked For His Stuff Back 8 Reasons Why

You broke up with your ex a couple of months ago, and half of his belongings are still in your apartment. So now you’re wondering, why hasn’t he asked for his stuff back? Break-ups are difficult, and there are many reasons, including your ex doesn’t want to cut ties completely, your ex doesn’t want to communicate with you, or your ex is waiting for you to contact them. Regardless of the reason, if you want a clean break from your ex so you can move forward, giving him his stuff back is the first step....

November 10, 2022 · 11 min · 2160 words · Bruce Vaughan

11 Ways How To Protect A Child From A Narcissistic Father

How to Protect a child From a Narcissistic Father? As a parent, you want to do everything in your power to protect your children. When they scrape a knee, you feel their pain. When they come home from school with a bad report card, you feel their humiliation. If your child’s father is a narcissist, and they’re going through the cycle of abuse, you feel it as if it’s happening to you (more than likely, it has happened to you)....

November 9, 2022 · 11 min · 2139 words · Nathaniel Stratton

25 Bad Signs He Doesn T Want A Relationship With You

For many women, starting to date a new guy can be both an exciting and worrisome time. Getting to know someone new and finding out that you click in ways you never thought you could is enough to put you on cloud nine. After the first few dates, you begin to finally get to know the person better and can even become interested in turning this casual fling into a serious relationship....

November 9, 2022 · 25 min · 5173 words · Michelle Diamond

8 Stages Of A Breakup For The Dumper 8 Extra Tips For The Dumpee

It depends on the person. How he or she will take the breakup and react to it. A dumper might go from being content with their decision to feeling anxious. They will feel lonely, be mad, question their decision, not know what they want, and learn to cope with reality. When does the breakup hit the dumper? Some might realize that they want you back the moment they have zero contact with you for a certain period....

November 9, 2022 · 12 min · 2446 words · Lisa Mclaughlin

Finding Him On Dating Apps How To Find Him What To Do About It

Despite its good sides, online dating has its undeniable bad sides too. Cheating statistics prove those negative sides quite clearly. I think it has more bad sides if you’re not vigilant and genuine when using them[dating apps/sites]. Since dating through dating apps is super easy to access for everyone using them, they make comfortable room for infidelity too. It is because it has a lot of potential for it to go unnoticed, and it’s a lot easier than the other ways of doing it[infidelity]....

November 9, 2022 · 21 min · 4373 words · Linda Champney

How To Flirt With Him A Flirting Guide For Women

Flirting is easy… until it isn’t. Until it goes too wrong, too awkward, or too awful. But hey! Flirting is easy! There’s a lot of exchanging, attention, tension, the chemistry involved. To understand how you flirt with a guy in person or flirt through text (which by the way you can tell if he likes you through text too), you should understand some basics first. You know the basics of not overdoing....

November 9, 2022 · 20 min · 4224 words · Kenneth Greiner

How To Keep A Guy Interested 10 Techniques To Grasp A Man In Style

Before knowing and practicing the secret of How to keep him interested, you need to be familiar with this to know how to make him like you and keep him interested. Your guy is a man, he likes to have a goal and achieve it; which means he is labeled immediately as a Goal-Oriented Human Being. The moment he wins you, he activates his chilling mode. “Okay, then how do I keep him wanting more?...

November 9, 2022 · 12 min · 2490 words · Mary Volcko

How To Make A Narcissist Fear You 12 Greatest Fears Of The Narcissist

If there is one underestimated character trait of the narcissist, it is that they are exceptional actors. Their acting skills are so superior, they are able to fool everyone around them. They are the most confident, self-assured, courageous, and fearless people on the planet. But is that real? Or what are the Narcissist’s greatest fears? Reality is they are driven by underlying feelings of shame and vulnerability, which is masked with a self-aggrandizing persona....

November 9, 2022 · 11 min · 2190 words · Ruth Jordan

Is He The One Quiz

However, when you know, you know. But then again, you need another external confirmation about it. Just in case… We don’t want to get delusional, don’t we? About ‘Is he the right one?’ quiz The quiz has 15 questions that you’ll have to answer in order to get a final result of your calculated answers. The questions and the given answers are all based on the signs he’s the one, and signs he’s not the one....

November 9, 2022 · 3 min · 441 words · John Jone

The Narcissist And Second Marriage Do They Remarry Quickly

Why would a narcissist get married? And why do they often rush to RE-marry? How can someone who has a history of cheating and lying, who lacks empathy and compassion, and who has proven that he/she has no desire of upholding their vows… get remarried? Narcissists often rush into marriage and then a remarriage. If narcissists are afraid of intimacy and commitment, why and what would possess them to want to marry so fast?...

November 9, 2022 · 4 min · 803 words · Jonathan Long

What Does It Mean If A Guy Texts You Late At Night Is After 10 Pm Too Much

When deciphering a late-night text, you should consider the length and the type of connection before jumping to conclusions. Late-night texts from a guy, a handful amount of time indicate sexual intentions, without excluding other possible reasons such as interest, boredom, or fooling around… If a guy texts you after 10 pm, it might indicate a booty call, a need for comfort, or a desire to talk to you no matter what....

November 9, 2022 · 10 min · 2057 words · Robert Edmons

What Does It Mean When Girls Play With Their Hair

Have you been asking yourself the question, what does it mean when girls play with their hair while talking to you? Females playing with their hair can mean a lot of things, such as she’s grooming herself, it makes her feel comfortable, or she’s flirting with you. Have you met a female who seems to play with her hair all the time when she’s talking to you? You’ve probably heard it’s a sign that a woman is attracted to a man....

November 9, 2022 · 11 min · 2143 words · Kenneth Arvizu

Why Do Men Come Back After No Contact 12 Reasons To Find It Out

Deep within, you know you’re doing No Contact to just improve yourself and get over this breakup; Still, your heart pounds, and you’re strained while asking yourself or even your friends: Does the No Contact work to get him back? But then, even if it does work to get him back, what’s the point to all of this? Honestly, it mostly depends on the length of your relationship, the type of your communication, and how your relationship came to an end....

November 9, 2022 · 12 min · 2485 words · Thomas Bradley

Will He Come Back To Me If I Let Him Go 14 Crucial Tips To Make It Possible

Yet, if you push your ex and are too clingy, you will only push him away. You might ask will he come back if you let him go? Well, that all depends on the mindset that you create after the breakup. Yes, letting go will make him come back only if you create space for him to breathe and reflect. This topic is not rocket science, you only need to focus more on yourself than on just letting him go....

November 9, 2022 · 11 min · 2325 words · Monica Suzuki

Is He Cheating On Me Quiz Is It Paranoia

It’s understandable that at some point you get to feel uncertainty, but those come and go. However, once the uncertainty settles in, and you’re constantly wondering and questioning his fidelity, there’s a problem. Whether it’s your inner insecurities, or his behavior, the quiz will help you sort that out. About the ‘Is he cheating on me?’ quiz The quiz has 15 questions based on some of the fundamental signs that a man shows when he’s cheating....

November 8, 2022 · 3 min · 511 words · David Macauley