If Your Ex Moves On Quickly 12 Tips To Know Exactly How To React

Just because your ex isn’t holding onto the past that doesn’t mean you weren’t important to them. Sometimes an ex moves on fast because that’s the way they cope with the heartbreak. They might be pushing themselves to detach emotionally so they can heal from the breakup. Your ex might choose to jump immediately into another relationship or enjoy their freedom. How they choose to move on depends all on their attachment style and personality....

November 19, 2022 · 11 min · 2326 words · Renee Lindholm

Should I Apologize To My Ex Here S Why You Should Why You Shouldn T

And more often than not, our loved one is at the receiving end. And sometimes, these things are unbearable that cause us to separate. And now, because of it, you don’t know how to proceed. As a starter, apologizing seems to be a good idea. However, apologize only for what you are accountable for, and don’t take responsibility for what you did not do. Here, let’s tackle this issue together!...

November 19, 2022 · 8 min · 1502 words · Alice Maultsby

The Narcissist And Their Lack Of Empathy

Narcissism is a broad term that includes narcissistic traits on a continuum from “healthy with extreme self confidence” to the severe personality disorder known as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Empathy involves the ability to put yourself in another person’s shoes; i.e., the ability to imagine yourself in their position and imagine how you would feel, think or want. Our empathy allows us to imagine how other people feel and allows us to see them as human beings rather than objects....

November 19, 2022 · 4 min · 800 words · Edward Hernandez

The Toxic Narcissistic Family Dynamics Explained

In April 2020, trauma expert Shannon Thomas told Insider about the differences between healthy families, and families where a parent has NPD. “In healthy families, you’re just yourself – your name, your talents, your strengths and weaknesses. You’re the person,” she said. But in a narcissistic family, things are different: “everybody has to find somewhere to be, and a job to do within the family… they either support the narcissistic parent or they are the focus of the narcissistic parent’s rage....

November 19, 2022 · 13 min · 2668 words · Ross Welch

11 Crazy Narcissist Lies They Use To Control You

Why do narcissists lie? Because they suffer from a narcissistic personality disorder. That is the short answer. They operate from a fragmented sense of self, they don’t live by a set of personal values, instead, they see everything as an opportunity because they are playing the game of life, and their only goal is to win. If lying means they win, then so be it, whoever gets hurt in the process is irrelevant....

November 18, 2022 · 11 min · 2132 words · Sherman Wright

He Told Me He Loves Me Time To Check The Basics

Instead of jumping out of joy, you find yourself with a head full of questions that you didn’t even know needed to be answered in the first place. The good, and beautiful thing about this, is that it’s normal, and it happens a lot. If he told you he loves you, and you’re feeling some type of way about it, it’s time to check the basics! The meaning of “I love you” depends on when he says it: Time, place, situation....

November 18, 2022 · 10 min · 2021 words · Minnie Carter

He Unblocked Me But No Contact Yet 9 Reasons To Figure It Out

Your ex can unblock you after a month, six months, a year, maybe seven years, after the breakup. Once you notice it, no matter how healed you are you will start to wonder why he unblocked you but no contact yet. There are multiple scenarios of why he has chosen this moment to unblock you but hasn’t contacted you yet. When an ex unblocks you that means that either they have moved on with life or have been stuck in the bitterness of the breakup....

November 18, 2022 · 11 min · 2206 words · Nicholas Kawai

How To Deal With The Narcissist Smear Campaign

Does this inner dialogue sound familiar? Does it seem like the narcissist in your life doesn’t just twist your words- but they also downright lie and discredit you as a person? Maybe they act one way in front of you, but you feel convinced they’re doing something else behind your back. Perhaps, you’ve noticed that your loved ones have started acting differently towards you- although you can’t quite identify why....

November 18, 2022 · 10 min · 2032 words · Dorothy Aguilar

How To End An Argument Over Text 15 Tips To Take The Situation Under Control

To stop arguing with your boyfriend or significant other over text, you need to be able to control the situation. You need to de-escalate the situation and not turn a text argument into a fight. What you can do is take a step back and even if it’s necessary then you can put your phone away for a couple of hours. It’s better to ignore him for a bit and let the situation cool down....

November 18, 2022 · 13 min · 2699 words · Joann Dunn

How To Find Out If Your Partner Is Cheating Online 10 Solid Signs 5 Clever Ways To Find Out

Spotting the internet cheating signs can be an easy task for some, but an overwhelming one for others. Your gut tells you and you can feel when there’s something off in the relationship. But this time you need a practical confirmation, something factual, and something that’s just enough to get rid of your doubts. Here! How to find out your partner is cheating online? – Here’s what you can do!...

November 18, 2022 · 14 min · 2946 words · Josie Moser

The High Functioning Narcissist

It is relatively easy to recognize a narcissist when he or she displays the “classic” behaviors: staying out all night, drinking and using drugs, having obvious affairs, being highly irresponsible with money, difficulty keeping a job, and engaging in both verbal and physical abuse at home. People with those behaviors might have Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) especially if they take no responsibility for their behavior or how it affects others....

November 18, 2022 · 5 min · 939 words · Joseph Agosta

What Is Narcissistic Mirroring The Dark Mirror Of Narcissism

Have you ever been the “new person” in a group who know each other well? You might have felt, at first, like you were a little out of the loop. They seem to be on the same wavelength. They have the same humour styles. They might even speak in similar tones of voice, or use the same mannerisms. This is an example or normal, healthy mirroring. It’s not that a group of very similar people just happened to find each other....

November 18, 2022 · 6 min · 1278 words · Aaron Perez

When And How Do You Break Up With Someone You Love 11 Main Reasons Tips

Many people might claim that if you love someone, you’ll always make things work. That’s partly true, especially if you were in a long-term relationship. Yet, love is not the only element that makes a relationship work. If the situation is suffocating you and your partner isn’t participating to make it work, you can consider ending the relationship. You’ll have that gut or “fed up” feeling when you decide to part ways....

November 18, 2022 · 13 min · 2690 words · Jeffery Parker

Why Are Empaths And Narcissists Attracted To Each Other

If the phrase “opposites attract” was in the dictionary, empaths and narcissists would be the definition. They are like fire and water, but the two personalities have always been wildly attracted to one another. Unfortunately, empaths usually end up with the short end of the stick, because narcissists have an ulterior motive for dating empaths. One of the main traits of narcissistic personality disorder is they have a lack of empathy....

November 18, 2022 · 11 min · 2137 words · Matilda Shon

Why Do Men Get Jealous When You Are Dating Them

Jealousy is virtually unavoidable in a relationship, you can feel it from the very first moment you set eyes on your partner. You want them all to yourself and you’re desperately afraid that someone else will come along and steal their affection. It doesn’t go away either, you can feel jealous years into a relationship, even after you’re married. So why do men get jealous when they’re in a relationship?...

November 18, 2022 · 11 min · 2221 words · Delia Stephenson

Why Is My Girlfriend So Mean To Me For No Reason

Recently, you’ve noticed a change in your girlfriend’s behavior. As far as you’re aware, you haven’t done anything wrong, so you’re wondering, why is my girlfriend so mean to me for no reason? It could be because she’s got mental health issues, met someone else, or doesn’t know how to express her emotions. Either way, you need to get to the bottom of this because it’s no fun being in a relationship with someone who treats you like crap!...

November 18, 2022 · 20 min · 4122 words · Thomas Lampman

12 Signs You Re Chasing Him How To Turn The Tables Around

And you have to keep yourself in check if you are being too easy since you’re told that men will lose their interest if you aren’t a challenge or a bit of a hassle to reach. That doesn’t have to be the ultimate truth, and it isn’t, to be frankly honest. However, right now, you find yourself doing all the texting, planning, and effort. Things don’t seem the same on his end though!...

November 17, 2022 · 13 min · 2588 words · Mary Bourassa

14 Signs He Is Pretending Not To Like You Setting The Facts Straight

A man can pretend and hide his feelings due to uncertainty and because of his ego. Either way, when he is hiding his feelings for you something will seem off. Even though he will try to pretend that he isn’t feeling anything special, at some point his actions will prove the contrary. Love life is such a chess game of feelings and emotions. Therefore, confusion is part of it, hence it exists a fine line between pretending not to like you and not liking you....

November 17, 2022 · 11 min · 2338 words · Ray Reker

21 Parenting Signs Of A Narcissistic Mother

Does this sound familiar? You might be wondering, is your mother a narcissist? If so, it’s no surprise that you may feel drained and resentful. But most of the time, she would be so demanding, angry, and unpredictable. Everything seemed to revolve around her. Even as an adult, she still drives me crazy. It’s no secret that the traits of a narcissistic mother tend to be manipulative and vindictive. The narcissist’s actions affect everyone around her, but you probably received the brute of her selfish behavior....

November 17, 2022 · 10 min · 1976 words · Brian Holton

How To Heal From A Breakup 10 Practical Tips To Mend Your Heart Soul

Going through this phase is tough. You’re not only hurt but also overwhelmed. You experience anxiety, lethargy, insomnia, loneliness, and irritability. Recovering from a breakup takes learning to cope with these feelings. Indeed, the healing doesn’t happen in a blink of an eye. It isn’t easy to move on from a place and a person that you’ve been part of. But, to heal from it you must forgive yourself, stop overanalyzing, and learn to let go....

November 17, 2022 · 9 min · 1799 words · Phyllis Sosa