Why Do I Still Love My Ex 8 Reasons Why Extra Tips To Alter The Situation

That feeling can stick around forever. When you part ways, you don’t lose just a person but you lose a part of yourself too. Yet, that feeling of love can be easily confused with nostalgia, obsession, and admiration for your ex. This is quite natural because, after the breakup, you’ll go through diverse emotions. But, when a few years go you go through a lot of changes. In this case, your feelings change their intensity too....

December 3, 2022 · 12 min · 2538 words · Edwin Eikleberry

10 Main Reasons Why You Still Feel Connected To Your Ex What To Do

The main reason that you still feel connected to your ex is that you can’t let the past go. You are still emotionally attached to your ex because you might be confused, your feelings are manipulated, or you’re still in love. You can’t either let the past go or the past can’t let you go. That unhealed part of yours keeps pushing you towards your ex and being attached to them....

December 2, 2022 · 9 min · 1815 words · Michael Johnson

10 Unmistakable Signs Of A Narcissist

Narcissism, or Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), is on the rise. Incidents of NPD more than doubled in the 10 years prior to 2009. However, there is clear evidence that we are in the midst of a growing narcissism epidemic as NPD becomes more widespread than we ever could have imagined 10 or 15 years ago. If you think that one of your friends or family members might be a narcissist then there are clear and distinct behaviors to watch out for....

December 2, 2022 · 6 min · 1192 words · Pamela Machida

11 Signs He Never Loved You Extra Tips To Gain Strength And Move On

Maybe he enjoyed your companionship, he loved being around you, admired the idea of you, but that type of ‘love’ is not enough to create a healthy relationship. It takes courage to maintain it by balancing love, respect, and passion. You can love someone so much but still, your relationship might not work perfectly or the way you want it to work. The red flags that were present from the beginning of your relationship will be a reflection of your ex’s feelings towards you in the present and future....

December 2, 2022 · 12 min · 2485 words · Eric Klatt

11 Signs He S Falling In Love What He S Not Telling You

Ah, it’s that sweet sweet phase of the relationship… two people slowly falling for one another and none of them being aware about the feelings of the other. Welcome hun! Love is an amazing thing to experience. Though because of the ways we’re taught of what love is, and what it comes with, it may seem scary at times. Hence we choose to not tell, or try to hide the sometimes very obvious: we are in love....

December 2, 2022 · 15 min · 3024 words · Kendall Espada

13 Classic Signs He S Losing Interest What To Do About It

It’s worse when he makes you feel alive and dead at the same time. True, everyone can have ups and downs in a relationship or while dating. Maybe he is uncertain about his feelings and your situation. Nevertheless, the most important thing is if your date, boyfriend, or husband is willing to work on those feelings. A man that loves you would want to enjoy your presence. He craves your attention and wants to spend more time alone with you....

December 2, 2022 · 13 min · 2695 words · Sandra Seals

14 Signs He Wants You To Leave Him Alone Additional Tips Included

This situation can be a result of your actions but sometimes it might happen unexpectedly. When a partner starts to pull away from you, he surely needs some time on his own. He might say it directly that he needs some space but he might be silent about it and just disconnect. It’s a pretty difficult situation since you might feel like a burden and don’t know how to react....

December 2, 2022 · 11 min · 2272 words · Gloria Williams

75 Cute Paragraphs To Send To Your Crush

Want some cute paragraphs to send to your crush? This article has 75 of the best ones out there. You can use them verbatim, or they can serve as inspiration as you write your cute little messages to that special someone in your life. No matter what you send to your crush, the most important quality for it to have is relevance. That is, it must be about something you share with them, whether it’s your mutual feelings for each other, shared experiences, or common beliefs....

December 2, 2022 · 20 min · 4194 words · Phillip May

80 Jokes To Make Someone Laugh Over Text Make Them P Their Pants

However, just because you don’t find yourself funny it doesn’t mean that you are not. Having someone laugh over text by sharing jokes can be quite the challenge. Not all jokes work in writing. For some, it is harder to crack a joke online than when they’re with you face to face. It’s harder but it’s not impossible! Here are 80 jokes to make someone laugh over text: There was a big camel and a small camel....

December 2, 2022 · 12 min · 2510 words · Muriel Jackson

How To Cope With A Narcissistic Daughter In Law

Often, mothers-in-law are portrayed in a bad light, with suggestions that they are possessive and reluctant to let go of their sons or daughters. But what happens when it’s actually the other way round and you’re faced with a narcissistic daughter-in-law who seems to want to separate you from your children? How to cope with a narcissistic daughter-in-law? If you suspect that your daughter-in-law is a narcissist, it’s tough being on the outside looking in and not being able to help your son or daughter out....

December 2, 2022 · 12 min · 2350 words · David Chiodo

How To Deal With A Narcissistic Brother 5 Tips That Truly Help

“Help my brother is a narcissist!” Is the cry of the sibling forced to deal with a narcissistic brother; you love him to bits, but you are at your wits end with his ridiculous behavior. Do these characteristics sound familiar to you? He thinks he’s superior to others even though he hasn’t achieved anything in life to warrant this status. Your brother has a sense of entitlement and needs constant admiration for every little thing that he does....

December 2, 2022 · 10 min · 2083 words · Jake Foxworth

How To Respond To I Miss You 34 Best Responses

The words ‘I miss you’ are endearing; they let someone know how much you appreciate them and enjoy being in their company. If you’re not the shy type, it’s pretty easy to tell someone you miss them. But responding can be difficult if you want to avoid sounding cliché. You could respond by saying something like, “I miss you too,” “that’s sweet of you,” or “I can’t wait to see you again....

December 2, 2022 · 15 min · 3188 words · Lori Wiant

I Regret Breaking Up With Him 12 Tips To Help You Choose The Best For You

It feels like you are stuck in a realm of confusion. When you break up, you will feel like you are free and that you have made the best decision. Hence, it comes a time when you start to feel different. You are obnoxious and you feel lonely and suddenly you want to have your ex’s presence. Yet, the most important thing is to know why you are regretting your decision....

December 2, 2022 · 12 min · 2383 words · Verna Richardson

Is Blocking A Narcissist On Facebook A Good Idea

Q: If I block the narc from my FB page, for example, will he feel strong because it seems I fear him? A: That is an interesting question as his reaction could go either way. Although he might feel stronger (in control) if he thinks you did it out of fear, most likeely he will feel rebuffed and frustrated because you are “ignoring” him and/or taking away one of his ways at getting to you or back at you....

December 2, 2022 · 1 min · 115 words · Douglas Guardado

Signs He S Not The One The Must Know Fundamentals

Now, jokes aside. I’ve defined the one as one of the lots of people who are right for you, meet your needs and you meet theirs, at the right time; Finding out he’s NOT the one, the right one at the right time for you, isn’t supposed to be difficult. But IT IS! It is difficult sometimes, because you’re waiting for him to change, and you’re waiting to have a better understanding, which somehow makes you blind to those red flags....

December 2, 2022 · 10 min · 2076 words · Stewart Mott

What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Beautiful

A guy calling you beautiful could signal that he likes you. That’s especially true if he only says it to you and shows other signs of attraction around you. On the flip side, he might be using the word “beautiful” as a power play because he wants something from you. Still, there are many reasons for a man calling you beautiful. So, it is essential to consider the context in which he used the word and the body language he displayed....

December 2, 2022 · 8 min · 1649 words · Berta Juran

What To Do If He Stops Texting Everything You Need To Know

As you want to know more about each other, contact and consistency play a big role. The connection becomes wobbly when he suddenly just stops texting. No explanation at all, he just disappears. Where could you go from this, and what would be the ideal next step? So let’s solve this puzzle together! Here are 13 things to do if he stops texting you: 1. Put the phone down and start doing something else Take a deep breath and take a break from your phone....

December 2, 2022 · 10 min · 1991 words · Richard Kirby

Why Am I Dreaming About My Ex 11 Possible Reasons That Induce You To Dream About Your Ex

There are vast theories, assumptions, and dream interpretations. Yet, the meaning of it depends on how you feel after the breakup. Dreams can be a result of different reasons and occasions. You might feel guilty or the past negativity might keep you dreaming about them. Post-break-up anxiety is quite common and that can trigger you to think about your ex. These thoughts induce those feelings in you and give the signal to your brain so you dream about it....

December 2, 2022 · 12 min · 2496 words · Diana Maertz

16 Signs He Doesn T Want Anyone Else To Have You

Have you been seeing some signs he doesn’t want anyone else to have you? Right now, you might be dating each other exclusively. In fact, you might have been dating for a while—months, maybe even years. Everything seems fine, except for one problem: He’s not interested in an exclusive romantic relationship. He doesn’t call you his girlfriend, and he prefers you didn’t refer to him as your boyfriend. That means right now, you’re in an exclusive casual relationship....

December 1, 2022 · 19 min · 3879 words · Michael Skinner

Dealing With Nacissistic Men In Relationships

Do you feel alone even though your partner is right next to you? Do you sleep in the same bed but feel light-years apart? Are you afraid of expressing these feelings to your partner because he might become angry or withdraw into isolation even more? If so, you could be in a relationship with a narcissist. It’s easy to fall in love with one. At the beginning of the relationship, he was charming, delightful, charismatic, attentive, and complimentary....

December 1, 2022 · 6 min · 1161 words · Matthew Mena