Nope, there is not only one single pattern that you should follow, by all means. But, guidelines, yes, guidelines exist! Mastering the texting game and texting a guy to keep him interested is about staying true to yourself, making the conversations fun, and taking it easy. First things first, texting guys and texting your bestie are two different things. The texts you send to your homegirl won’t work for your man! Here are 12 ways how to keep him interested through text:

1. Keep it real! Avoid being someone else to impress him

Texting a guy you like can make you go out of your way when attempting to impress him and keep him interested. A crazy thing to do is change yourself and become someone entirely different. That won’t keep him engaged, and that’s not how you keep a guy interested over text! Let him know what you like, what your hobbies are, what makes you go up and dance, and what your life motto is. For example, if you say you like basketball through text but when you meet up this pops up in your conversation and you’ll be tongue-tied. Don’t lie about things, keep it real, honest, and stay true to yourself!

2. Initiate texting too

Texting is like tango, it takes two for it to work. Initiating or ending the conversation should be kept in balance. Keeping a balance in texting can be beneficial to keep him engaged and interested in the conversation. It’s a way to let him know you’re interested and engaged in the connection with him. It is okay if you are the one who initiates the conversation. But know when to lead it and when to pause. Know when to take your time. If you are the only one initiating the conversation, it won’t be balanced. He is a guy, he wants to take the lead but he won’t have the space to do it if you are doing this all the time.

3. Use your humor to spice up the conversation

Do you want to know what to say to a guy you are talking to in order to keep him all engaged? Send him hilarious texts; I don’t recommend stopping making jokes. Keep in mind that he can’t hear your tone of voice through your text messages. Clearly, one of the best ways to keep him interested over text is by keeping the conversation fun and flowing. Over and above, beware of using sarcastic language. Some jokes and funny phrases can be misunderstood while texting. Especially if you are talking to a guy you have met only online. He might not be that familiar with your tone and sense of humor.

4. Keep your replying time balanced, compelling, and fresh!

Creating an equilibrium of knowing when and how to reply, helps in keeping the text conversation fresh and flowing! Timing is a crucial part of texting, especially if you’re looking for ways to text to keep him hooked. The right timing sends the right message and the wrong timing sends the wrong message. At this stage, you want to text him in order to get to know him better and have a special conversation. Nothing exaggerated. Texting him too late might give him ‘Booty Call’ vibes. He might start to think that it is okay to text you whenever without putting much thought into it. On the other hand, you want to avoid being that texter that takes forever to reply! Take your time but still, you don’t want to give him the idea that you’re not interested. A lot of women think that if they take a lot of time to reply to a guy, it will arouse his curiosity. Hate to break it to you but it doesn’t work that way. So, to keep a guy interested through text you need to keep the timing balanced, and more importantly, keep the games away!

5. Avoid texting him out of boredom or when you’re not in a good mood

The one mistake you might make while texting is texting when you are a little bit off. When you do not feel well, you are emotional, or just mad, resist the temptation to immediately text him. Your negative vibe will reflect while texting. Everyone knows what a bad day is, but texting during such moods will impact his interest in you. If you text him while you are bored, the conversation might lead you to boring conversation, it can get very dull and monotonous, and it’ll send the message that you’re not putting much effort into it. Being mad or having a bad day can be discussed vis-a-vis. Text him once you’re calm and relaxed. That way you generate good and positive energy in the conversation.

6. Keep it interesting, don’t text him for no reason

Once you grab your phone, you should know why you are texting this guy. Keeping someone interested over text is about keeping them engaged and giving them a reason to want to text you. A plain “Hi.” can come off as no reason to text him. It can also come off as a low-effort way of reminding him you exist. Is it because you miss him, you have to tell him something exciting, you want to make plans with him, or you just have been fixated and chose to text? Create healthy texting habits; While developing these habits you will learn how to keep the attention of the guy that you like or your boyfriend. If you want to text him to let him know you are thinking of him, do it with style.  Let him know that you have heard a song and it reminded you of a conversation that you had; or anything else specific to keep it hot and interesting. To avoid dullness and frustration on both sides, you should have a prior reason to text.

7. Ask him the right questions about himself

Keeping a man interested over text is easy when you’ve got the right list of questions to ask him! Questions are seen as a safe tool for texting. Though we want to avoid using repetitive and closed-ended questions – those aren’t the right questions! Use questions to keep the text conversation going, but keep in mind to avoid going interrogation-style at it. You want to make precise, fun, and easy-to-understand questions. Know how to wait for his reply and how to continue your text conversation. Set a style for your conversation that will be easy to follow and adjust.

8. Keep your texting positive and light: avoid nagging

Most people don’t like drama in their life. So to keep up with his rhythm of texting try to be precise and do not overload him with unnecessary information. If you want to keep a guy interested in you over text then you’ve got to keep the texting positive and light. Keep it away from drama and huge blocks of text. He would like to hear how your day went but try to keep it short, positive, and simple, and save some stuff for when you meet up with him! Do not include details of how you hate your colleague or what your boss did to you. If you keep complaining to him over text, over and over, he won’t be left with much to say back. It is okay to inform him about your daily struggles but keep it fun and easy.

9. Find the right time to end the text conversation

To text a man and keep him interested is about understanding the timing, creating a bit of tension, and knowing when to end the text conversation. Knowing how to end the conversation is just as important as knowing how to initiate it. Know when the conversation is coming to an end and avoid dragging it when you feel it’s ‘dead’. How to do it? End it with a positive comment on something that he was saying, compliment him, and let him know that now you need to do something else. Here’s what you can say,

“Wow, that’s so thoughtful of you! I really needed some music while working… which I have to continue 😛. Talk to you tomorrow, thank you, and good night!” “I like how smart you are and how well our conversations flow, but I must go now haha. Talk to you soon. Thanks for the positivity btw, I needed it!

10. Ask for his opinion or advice once in a while

Another thing that keeps the text conversation interesting is making the guy feel special. Ask for his opinion when needed, or if you need his advice and to guide you for something, do it. It will make him feel special and keep the text conversation going. For example, if you’re trying to get a new computer and he knows about computers, ask his opinion on it! If you have been talking with this guy for a while and feel comfortable with him or now he is your boyfriend, text him to ask his advice! You might ask his advice for any decision that you want to make in life when you need help to sort your thoughts.

11. Avoid being desperate for his attention

When you text him and he does not reply immediately avoid texting him every minute Check if he’s got your messages because he got your messages. Even if you aren’t, that can make you come across as needy and clingy, and if you’re trying to keep him interested, being needy and clingy won’t do the work! Focus on yourself and find other activities to do while he’s taking his time to respond to your texts. If he doesn’t reply for days, then keep your distance until he replies and focus on what needs to be changed in your texting method. Keep your silence and calm, that way you will give him space to take his time and reply. You’re not desperate for his attention and that is sexy and attractive!

12. Flirt with him

Flirting with him through text is another way to keep your text conversation interesting and, more importantly, to keep your guy interested. If flirting is something you’re good at, use it! You can flirt by sending him light compliments, teasing him a little bit, making jokes, sending gifs, and sending the right emoji at the right time. Send him flirty texts and see if he’s into it. If he is, it’ll keep your texting interesting, sexy, and fresh. It’ll make room for the conversation to flow naturally with chemistry and tension. Most importantly, it’ll keep him interested and wanting more in your text conversation.

What to text a man to get him interested? Text examples to keep him interested you haven’t heard of!

We’ve gone through the guidelines of how to keep a guy interested through text. Though, now it’s time to face the reality and text him for realsies! What to text him to keep him interested? Seriously. He’s waiting for your text, you’re about to make it interesting, fun, and you’re about to blow his mind. What do you text him? Here are some helpful examples of what to text a guy to keep him interested: – When you want to keep a long-distance relationship and want to keep him interested:

send a photo of your bed “this is where you should’ve been right now.” “Let’s play a game right now. You guess what I am thinking and if you guess right, you get something special ;)” “Tonight me and you, 8 pm. Facetime Party. Only you are invited!!” “Let’s play the question game! I’ll go first. What do you fear the most?”

– After texting with him for months you might feel that it is time to shift the texting to a date. Here’s what’ll keep him interested

“I have heard that [name of place] is pretty amazing. Wanna join me in the adventure?” “So, I have an extra ticket for [movie name]. If you feel like seeing it at the [cinema name] this Friday, you can totally come with me!”

– You have had your first date, it went well, and want to keep him interested to have more dates. Here is what to text after the first date to keep him more interested in you:

“It was so nice to see you, it was fun. Thank you!” “I think you’re absolutely wrong about [movie name]. I just watched it, and I do have a lot to say about it!” “I’m thrilled that I got to spend time with you. Thank you for the amazing time!”

Do I need to follow the same guidelines using online dating apps?

You want to know how to keep a guy interested online, but how do you do that when he’s a stranger and you know nothing about him? Since we are a part of this digital era, any platform uses texting, in one way or another, as a form of online dating. Whether that platform is Bumble, Instagram, Tinder, Facebook, Instagram, or Whatsapp; texting is one of the key elements and tools to keep the interest.

Keep it fun and light. For example, “Lovely profile pic! Is that [name of place]?!” Don’t go too deep and serious from the beginning. Compliment him on something, but don’t overdo it. Flirt with him just enough to tease his imagination. Avoid oversharing. You don’t know this person that well.

In the end, know how to balance your reply time and most importantly be authentic while you text. Dating can be difficult, especially when it comes to online dating when the written messages aren’t completed by facial expressions and tones of voice. An expert can be tremendously helpful. Someone who can be there for you right when you need them with the right expert advice for your situation! Good luck, and good skills on your texting, ladies! Callisto

How to text a guy to keep him interested  13 extraordinary ways to do it  - 65How to text a guy to keep him interested  13 extraordinary ways to do it  - 93How to text a guy to keep him interested  13 extraordinary ways to do it  - 55How to text a guy to keep him interested  13 extraordinary ways to do it  - 77How to text a guy to keep him interested  13 extraordinary ways to do it  - 55How to text a guy to keep him interested  13 extraordinary ways to do it  - 61How to text a guy to keep him interested  13 extraordinary ways to do it  - 27How to text a guy to keep him interested  13 extraordinary ways to do it  - 62