But can you know that he loves you by his kiss? Yes, you sure can. The best way to show his feelings towards you is by kissing and intimacy.  If the kiss is followed by continual affection and commitment then you should be sure, he does love you! As should be stated kissing is a detail that completes the image of love together with compassion, commitment, passion, care, and intimacy. A man can also love you secretly, you have to spot signs when he is not aware but still doing it. The time and setting are quite important; also, what type of kiss does he choose? Let’s find out all about this together, shall we? Let’s get to know 16 types of kisses that a man in love uses:

1. That sweet kiss on your forehead

A forehead kiss is labeled as a romantic kiss and as a kiss that shows emotional closeness – He wants to show he’s protective. A guy shows his love and respect for you through a kiss on your forehead. He does this to show how much he appreciates and respects you.

2. He gives you kisses on your cheek

If you have just started your relationship or have been dating for a while, a kiss on your cheek is a leading road to something more if he’s shy, or a platonic way of saying goodbye if he’s not romantically interested in you. What you should notice if he kisses your cheek is how long it takes; whether he holds the kiss longer than usual or if he switches that to another kiss. If it’s a long kiss on the cheek, then take it as a sign he’s trying to get out of the platonic phase with you.

3. He constantly gives kisses on your nose

Nose kisses are my favorite! He might give you nose kisses directly or he might go from your lips to the nose. Generally, it means he wants to tell you how happy he is to be by your side. It is a sign of love and not a sign of lust.

4. He gives you a gentle kiss

A guy kisses gently the girl he likes a lot. If he kisses you slowly and with tenderness, his main goal is to make you feel comfortable and wanted. While kissing you gently he wants to tell you that you can feel secure with him and that he cares about you. One may say that this kiss is passionate too, and it’s true, it is uniquely passionate.

5. He likes tongue-kissing with you

When it comes to this type of kiss, there’s something else called perfect timing to go along with it. Usually, a french kiss or a french makeout session is a sign of lust. But French kisses are also a sign of closeness and passion. He might just be head over heels for you!

6. He gives you shoulder kisses

It’s a way of him showing that he cares and he’s there for you. It’s not something passionate or lustful, it’s more of a sign of respect and care. It’s his way of letting you know of his affection and maybe getting into something interesting later on.

7. His eyes are always closed when kissing

Kissing with eyes open is slightly awkward, and ingenuine at times. If he kisses you with his eyes closed every time, then it means he’s into it, he’s feeling the kiss, and he’s not faking it.

8. He gives you that long passionate kiss 

A passionate kiss at the beginning of the relationship is not quite appropriate. So at that stage, you cannot tell much if he loves you or is just an act of lust. If he gives you a long passionate kiss he includes his emotional and physical elements to tell you that he is so passionate about you. It is a bridge to get connected with you physically and emotionally.

9. He makes you feel one of a kind with that Eskimo kissing 

Eskimo kisses are cute kisses. He rubs his nose against yours. Usually, guys use it to get a kiss from you and tell you how happy he is to be with you. The Eskimo kiss allows him to tell how affectionate he is of you and how comforting your presence is.

10. He blows you an air kiss 

If he blows you an air kiss then he is playful and wants to attract your attention, just to show that he is there for you. Playfulness is an important part of a relationship, and this sure is a romantic, beautiful gesture.

11. He gives you ‘Three kisses in a row’ 

Three kisses in a row is a new type of kiss that a man in love gives to the person he loves. These kisses are short ones that come one after the other. If he gives you these magical three kisses one after the other he just wants to make sure that you know that he loves you. It’s that type of kiss that makes you notice that your heart, mind, and soul are connected.

12. A kiss on the chin and then a quick kiss

If he gives you this type of kiss, he wants to be playful and flirty with you. He wants to prepare you before kissing you on the lips. Usually, a guy tries this type of kiss with you when he wants to tell you that he likes and loves you.

14. A “stolen” kiss

It is just a simple kiss but that has a unique meaning. Stealing a kiss is the way he uses to flirt with you and tells you how much you mean to him.  Kissing you suddenly is a sign of passion. But always keep in mind, the guy that steals you a kiss: what does he mean to you, or who is he to you? This can help you make a huge difference.

15. He gives you a kiss goodnight

A goodnight kiss is a way of him showing affection and care towards you. If he kisses you on the first date he might like you but labeling that as ‘love’ at that stage is a little bit early. If he keeps doing that for some time that guy of yours has caught some feelings and can’t let you go.

16. He takes your hands, gets you close, and gives you a kiss 

If your guy follows this pattern:

  1. He takes your hands;
  2. Brings you close to him;
  3. After that he gives you a gentle kiss. If he behaves like this, he might just be your Prince Charming, he cares about the way he kisses you and treats you properly. Now that you are familiar with 16 types of kisses, get to know these…

10 signs that help you in telling whether he is in love with you as he kisses you

These are the before and after the kiss. Again, it’s important to check out the timing, vibe, settings, and energy between you before, while, and after kissing. Here are 10 signs to tell if he loves you before, while, and after kissing:

1. He is pretty close to you while kissing so you can hear his heartbeat

A body language check is quite important while kissing. Once you can be close to him, hear his heart pound and his hands a little bit trembling, that man is in love. It is a sign of love when he is kissing you, pulls you close, and hugs you gently.  If he lets you lay your head on his shoulder and does not want to let you go anywhere that also reflects love.

2. He doesn’t step back in the mid-kiss and act all weird

If he is a guy that kisses out of love or if he is a player he will have some mid-kiss crisis.  He will quit mid-kiss without giving you any reason. A guy who loves won’t pull back or act weird while you are kissing. He will make sure that you are feeling comfortable and he will crave more, just to be near you.

3. He goes from kissing your lips to kissing your earlobe or even your neck

If he is in love with you he will take a full tour from your lips to your face and neck, it is a lustful move, but if he’s been your boyfriend/husband for a while then he just knows what you like and he’s willing to do it. If he makes you feel comfortable during this type of interaction and does not oblige you to take part then he respects your needs. Respect means love, or at least that he’s falling for you.

4. While kissing he leaves you to take the lead too

Guys like to take a lead in everything even while kissing. But if he loves you then he will compromise and will let you take the lead too. He likes it when the woman he loves takes the kissing lead from time to time.

5. He cooperates while kissing and maintains an eye contact

The most important sign of love while kissing is if he makes eye contact with you. Maintaining eye contact while kissing increases intimacy and affection. I am not talking about some creepy style of keeping the eyes open all the time. I am talking for a gentle and swift looking, just to check up on you.

6. The intensity of the kiss is grown and it’s not just a sloppy kiss

You know that he loves you by the intensity of your kiss. Whether that is your first kiss or your hundredth if the intensity of the kiss is increased during those seconds he is truly attracted to you.

7. Even after kissing his eyes are focused on your lips. Again!

A sign that he loves you is when he kisses you but after that, his eyes are fixated on your lips again. If he keeps looking at your lips again, he is craving more and fantasizing about kissing you again. It is a sign of attraction if he keeps looking at your lips here and there. But attraction is also part of love. Without attraction, one cannot develop the feeling of love.

8. After kissing you he is blushing but still pulls you close

It’s very important to check how he behaves, the moment your kiss ends. If he blushes a little bit and pulls you close, he has real feelings for you. A guy who has feelings for you feels uneasy after kissing, acting a little bit awkward since he doesn’t want to blow it up.

9. He doesn’t open his eyes right after the kiss is done

Lord, that guy is in awe. If he doesn’t open his eyes right after you have finished kissing he is truly enjoying the kiss and you. You may see the passion that he has for you by having a magical moment and not wanting to interrupt that by opening his eyes that quickly. 

10. He follows up the kiss with a great statement or a compliment

You’ve got a real gentleman there if he kisses you and compliments you after that. Some of the compliments that might follow the kiss are:  ~” I like you. And I like the way you kiss.” ~ “You’re such a good kisser!” ~ “Now I can say that I kissed the most gorgeous, talented, and best girl in the world.” ~ “You are one of a kind.”

Can men kiss without having any feelings?

The answer is yes. Yes, men can kiss without having any feelings.  He might kiss without having any feelings because he is playing with you, or because of lust. If he is a player he might kiss you even gently or passionately without including any feelings toward you. He does that for different reasons, one of which is to fulfill his ego. He could be drunk. And just kiss you abruptly without feelings involved – he’s not thinking things through. He can kiss you without having any feelings for you. It could be due to his current state (e.g he’s drunk, or sad-lonely), it could be due to a goal he’s trying to achieve, or a way of him getting inner fulfillment through external actions.

What is a guy thinking when he is kissing you?

Asking my guy friends I have concluded that it differs from what he is thinking from the situation he is in. If it’s the first kiss he might be thinking about: 

  1. How is he making you feel?
  2. Is he doing the right move? 
  3. Will she just continue kissing me or just push me away any time now?
  4. Can she tell me how I am feeling now? Nervous, excited, in love?  If he kisses you at the end of the date: 
  5. I hope she likes the kiss…
  6. What do I do now? When I’m done kissing?
  7. I hope it doesn’t feel awkward… If you are in a relationship with him/he is your boyfriend then he might think:
  8. Omg, she’s so gorgeous.
  9. I don’t want to be anywhere else right now, but here. Since you cannot be in his head, learn to read his body language and open communication.

Why do guys kiss aggressively? Is there any reason? 

He kisses like that because he might be new to kissing or maybe he wants to be in control (to take the lead). He will kiss you aggressively when he has that rush of adrenaline that makes his aggressive side pop up, he’s being lustful and passionate which makes him ‘lose parts of himself’ and let the passion and lust take over him. If you are new to this relationship and you do not feel comfortable with this type of kissing, let him know.

  1. What is considered the best kiss?  The best kiss is considered the combination of some types of kisses that makes two of you feel at ease and enjoy the moment.
  2. Can a kiss determine love?  In a way, kissing can determine love. Let’s say it can show a type of connection that two people have. Whether that’s emotional or physical. If a kiss is followed by other elements of love such as passion, vulnerability, and commitment then that can grow into something more than just a kiss. When he kisses you, don’t overthink it. If he loves you he will complete that kiss with other elements of love. Take care and kiss more! Callisto

How to tell that he loves you by his kiss  16 types of kisses   10 unique signs to define his love - 89How to tell that he loves you by his kiss  16 types of kisses   10 unique signs to define his love - 55How to tell that he loves you by his kiss  16 types of kisses   10 unique signs to define his love - 9How to tell that he loves you by his kiss  16 types of kisses   10 unique signs to define his love - 4How to tell that he loves you by his kiss  16 types of kisses   10 unique signs to define his love - 75How to tell that he loves you by his kiss  16 types of kisses   10 unique signs to define his love - 23How to tell that he loves you by his kiss  16 types of kisses   10 unique signs to define his love - 54How to tell that he loves you by his kiss  16 types of kisses   10 unique signs to define his love - 38How to tell that he loves you by his kiss  16 types of kisses   10 unique signs to define his love - 58How to tell that he loves you by his kiss  16 types of kisses   10 unique signs to define his love - 93How to tell that he loves you by his kiss  16 types of kisses   10 unique signs to define his love - 97