Making your ex-boyfriend jealous can help him reconsider his decision of ending the relationship. Whereas, you want to make your partner jealous just to ignite the relationship. In order to avoid complexity while making him jealous, you should choose a covert approach. There is nothing that can make an ex-boyfriend more jealous than when you nourish yourself. Before making your ex jealous, consider what he feels about you and how that impacts you. To finalize this step you should be healed from the breakup, first. I got your back with these 10 tips to make your ex-boyfriend jealous!

1. Don’t be hooked on him

If you’re still obsessing with your ex, you haven’t started to move on from the breakup yet. Now, you’ll act from a place of uncertainty and make decisions based on anger, loneliness, or anxiety. This won’t give your ex the chance to miss and value you. If you’re clingy, then he will look for ways to get rid of you. At this moment you can’t make him jealous. After the breakup, you should start to acknowledge your feelings. Feel free to cry, shout, and know what is bothering you. By shifting the mindset you slowly detach from your ex. This will evoke his feelings and curiosity.

2. Create a distance with your ex-boyfriend

In order to trigger feelings of jealousy in your ex-boyfriend, you need to be distant. By using No Contact you’ll focus more on self-improvement and you’ll create scarcity. This will raise his curiosity and will intrigue his jealousy. Now, he doesn’t have your attention anymore, that’s what makes him curious and jealous. You’re not patronizing him, on the contrary, you’re giving him space and time to reflect. If he notices that he messed it up, he’ll have second thoughts about your relationship.

3. Be happy on your own

This might sound very cliche and impossible when you experience a breakup. Yet, that can be achieved. To forget about your ex and learn to be alone, you should change your life pattern. You can start to be happy on your own after you accept your feelings. Breaking the routine will help you to prevent ruminating. After you stop ruminating, you start to make plans, go out with friends and family- enjoying life. The moment you reflect confidence and happiness, the dumper will be jealous. Even if he’s interested in being back with you or not, it will hurt him to see you happy on your own. He would feel that he’s missing something and that you’re doing fine without him.

4. Use social media to some extent

If you use it to a normal extent then this technique won’t be toxic. You can post photos to treasure your moments by starting a new page in your life. The moment you feel good on your own, you’ll do it without any malicious intention. Your ex-boyfriend will wait for you to post desperate and needy posts. The moment you don’t do it then that will intrigue jealousy. Then jealousy will slowly intrigue regret.

5. Let others notice your transformation

After the breakup and using the No Contact Rule, you’ll take a step back and reflect on yourself and on your relationship. When you gain confidence and move on with your life that’s the moment you’ll reflect new energy. You reflect on your mistakes and bring out the best version of yourself. This will reflect on your ex-boyfriend too. What will trigger his jealousy is the change that he’s not experiencing. This will evoke in him the feeling that he’s missing it out. He pulled away once but based on your transformation, he’ll ponder his decision. For him now you’re the awesome woman that he no longer has.

6. Don’t jump immediately to reply to his texts

Breadcrumbing after the breakup is a casual thing. If you reply immediately after your ex-boyfriend calls or texts then you won’t create scarcity. Even after the breakup, being always there for him won’t make him jealous. He’ll take you for granted and pull your strings whenever he wants to. Let me tell you, how to make him jealous after the breakup:

Don’t answer in instant;

Have a close look at the text structure; Is he apologizing or he’s contacting you because he feels lonely;

If he wants to meet, make sure to know if you want it too.

If you feel like meeting with him after the breakup, reply shortly and set your date to meet.

Shortly, you’re setting your boundaries in this situation. Doing that won’t harm him, it will only send a clear message about how you feel towards him.

7. Act neutral if you meet after the breakup

The first talk after the breakup can be overwhelming, awkward, and painful. To balance all these feelings and make him jealous you should take things slowly. I am not implying to act uninterested but neutral. If you overshare the first moment you meet then he won’t have the moment to reflect on you. He would think that you would be waiting for this moment to bump into him. To make him “jealous” or give him the chance to second guess his decisions, you should show how you’ve nourished. Once you are happy on your own you won’t give details that you’re clingy or accuse him of anything.

8. Start to mingle again

Once you’re healed, you reflect differently. Other men start to see you differently and approach you. This indeed makes your ex jealous. It’s quite ambivalent because you think that you should find another one to make him jealous. Incorrect. Do it because you feel like you need to explore other chances because you feel like dating again. The moment that you take a step back you’re able to know what you’ll search for in the next relationship. You might not fall in love immediately, but you’ll send a note to your ex that you won’t wait forever. The moment you’re not fully attached to him, that’s the moment he’ll be jealous.

9. Kill him with kindness

The moment you’re on good terms with yourself, you’re not going to hold the grudges against your ex. This will drive him crazy because he would expect the contrary. He’ll conclude that he’s hurt you and that he might or not feel bad about it. Hence, this will haunt him and that’s what will make him jealous of you. If he wants to rekindle the relationship, then he might come back and apologize or find ways to talk to you.

10. Shift your mindset

You prioritize yourself by getting over your ex. I am not suggesting to forget him but to focus on what you need and what you want. Outgrowing your ex, you’ll be able to rediscover yourself. You’ll go back to the person that you were before entering this relationship. If your ex has his doubts regarding your relationship then you’ll give him the chance to try again. You won’t manipulate his feelings, instead, you’ll take care to improve yourself. If he doesn’t have your full attention and love and still has feelings about you, he’ll get jealous.

What can I text my ex-boyfriend to make him jealous?

To make your ex-boyfriend jealous through texting you should be neutral and straightforward. Let him know that you’re not stuck in the breakup. There is no perfect sample that can make him jealous in an instant. We’ve come to some combined text messages that apply to different situations. ~ He texts you first but doesn’t apologize. “Hey, everything’s good Joel. What’s up?” If he just texts you after No Contact and says what’s up, the best way is to reply with the same tone. The moment you’re neutral then he’ll be intrigued to text back. Curiosity attracts jealousy. ~ He wants to know what you’re doing. “ Hi, nothing much. We’ll keep in touch, I have to go now.” With this message, you don’t share much. You should do this because you don’t know where he stands now towards you. The lack of information creates a mystery that will make him wonder more. He wonders if you’re dating anyone or what you’ve been up to. ~ He calls you but you don’t answer immediately. “ What’s up James?” “I just saw your call, I went to a concert last night.” This will keep him wondering and arouse curiosity. You didn’t answer and you didn’t mention with whom you went to this concert. It could be your friends or your family, or even another guy. ~ He texts you to check on you but mentions another girl. In this situation, you should act like you don’t care. This could be some bait to get you what you’re thinking and make you jealous. You can text him this: “ I’ve been good. I’m at work right now, talk to you later.” In this situation, you shouldn’t react to that piece of information. Give him a strong reason why you can’t continue to talk. If you say that you’re just busy then he’ll notice that you still care and he won’t be that jealous. ~ You can flirt with him but to some extent. Show him how much fun it was to be with you. Even if he’s your ex but you didn’t end things very badly, then to make him jealous you can flirt a bit. You can do it by sending this type of message: “Saw you yesterday skating. Brad’s performance was astonishing but you weren’t bad either.” Note: If you were using No Contact or not, avoid texting first right after the breakup. Give your ex some time to miss and value you.

Why do you want to make your ex-boyfriend jealous?

There are plenty of reasons why you want to make your ex-boyfriend jealous. This is due to the mixed feelings that you have after the breakup. So if you want to succeed and make your ex-boyfriend jealous, first, you should know why you want to do it.

To get him back; You might use jealousy after the breakup to raise the level of attraction and win his attention back.

This doesn’t work every time. If he doesn’t love you anymore then trying to make him jealous will make the situation worse. In this case, he would throw shade at you and you would feel powerless. If you want to get your ex back then you should use tactics that won’t harm him or you.

To take revenge and make him feel what you’ve gone through;

It’s pretty common to feel in pain and you want to make your ex-boyfriend go through it too. Despite that, I don’t recommend evoking his jealousy for this. It’s pretty risky and would leave both of you hurt. This way, you’ll never get over your ex-boyfriend or get him back.

You’re the dumper and want to rekindle the relationship;

If you’re the one who ended the relationship then you need to evoke jealousy wisely. Before wanting to make your ex-boyfriend jealous you should apologize first. Then to get his attention and be attracted, you should know where he stands in this relationship. Don’t use any rebound relationship to arouse his jealousy.

To show him that you can be on your own and continue with your life;

I never advise you to take jealousy as a tool to show your ex that you’re better off. If you want to prove to him or yourself that you’re good on your own, you should focus on your self-improvement. That’s the only way you can transmit new energy.

How do I tell that my ex-boyfriend is jealous of me?

If your ex-boyfriend is jealous of you then he’ll try every way to show that he’s the best. He’ll come around you and search indirectly for a second chance. To have a clearer idea, here are a few signs that your ex-boyfriend is jealous of you:

  1. He posts on social media like crazy. If he wants to make you jealous then he’ll post almost every day. His posts would include a lot of selfies or any photos with his friends or his new girlfriend. He wants to make sure that you’ll see that he’s good on his own. He might feel hurt after the breakup and wants to show how he’s “enjoying” life.
  2. He sends multiple texts to check on you. If he’s showering you with a lot of sudden text messages or calls then he’s jealous. He wants to know what’s new and if you have been missing him. Yet, be careful because these texts might also be breadcrumbs.
  3. He tries to show how perfectly he treated his new girl. If he’s jealous of you then he’ll try to show off his love skills in his new relationship. He’ll post it everywhere how caring and loving he is. Moreover, he’ll make sure to bump into you and show you his new skills.
  4. He throws shade at you. If he can’t reach you differently after the breakup, he’ll throw shade at you. He’ll make you look bad just because he’s jealous. He might be jealous because of your transformation or that you’ve moved on.
  5. He jokes about your new partner. One of the signs that your ex is jealous of you is when he jokes about your new partner. He might make fun of him or show you how he’s better than him. In his eyes, your new partner doesn’t seem suitable for you. He has only negative comments about you and him.
  6. Your mutual friends are his source of information. He asks your mutual friends if you’ve met someone or how you’ve been doing. In this situation, he might be clinging to you and not ready to move on. He tries to keep a track of your new love life, and this isn’t healthy jealousy.
  7. Is it bad to make your ex-boyfriend jealous? It isn’t bad to make your ex-boyfriend jealous unless you do it with malicious intent. Creating a little mystery and triggering his feelings isn’t wrong. If you try to make him jealous so he can suffer the consequences then that’s not good. You and your ex might be hurt and the situation will be much more complicated. You won’t be able to move on either.
  8. Should I date new people to make my ex-boyfriend jealous, in hopes of getting him back? This is very ambiguous. Hence, I recommend you to not do this. If you keep hoping that your ex-boyfriend would be jealous or get back because you’re dating someone else, you shouldn’t. That might indeed intrigue him a little bit but also it might make him feel rejected.

Finalizing this matter: How to make him jealous after the breakup?

You can make your ex jealous after the breakup by being confident and neutral.  To make him jealous after the breakup you should avoid focusing on manipulating his feelings. The re-attraction won’t happen if you force it. Shifting your mindset from getting him back to getting yourself back, will trigger his jealousy. Every moment that you try to prove to him what he has lost, you’re one step to pushing him away. You got this! Love yourself and love will find you! Warm hugs, Callisto

How to make your ex boyfriend jealous  10 tips to succeed at it  - 13How to make your ex boyfriend jealous  10 tips to succeed at it  - 3How to make your ex boyfriend jealous  10 tips to succeed at it  - 72How to make your ex boyfriend jealous  10 tips to succeed at it  - 45How to make your ex boyfriend jealous  10 tips to succeed at it  - 52How to make your ex boyfriend jealous  10 tips to succeed at it  - 11How to make your ex boyfriend jealous  10 tips to succeed at it  - 59How to make your ex boyfriend jealous  10 tips to succeed at it  - 75