What makes him miss you is reminding him of your positive impact on him. Indeed, being constantly on his face won’t make him crave your presence. Yet, going distant for days and ignoring him won’t make him miss you either. You can make him miss you over text knowing what and when to text. A guy likes to receive attention to a certain amount so he can be hooked up on you. Be irresistible, and funny, and create your own life. So, to make him miss you through text, follow these main 12 tips:

1. Make him wonder

What will make a guy miss you beyond any doubt is to know when to take a step back. This depends on your partner, boyfriend, or date’s personality but detaching a bit from him will have a positive impact. Create your availability and draw your boundaries. Especially, if you started dating recently then you can make him miss you by allowing him to miss you. Ignoring him or texting him rarely doesn’t mean that you will be mysterious and make him curious. There’s no wrong in texting him first but don’t be the one who always initiates the conversation. Be interested in him, his hobbies, and his life but at the same time give him space to be interested in you too.

2. Flirt and tease him

Flirting over text is one of the basic rules when it comes to making him miss you. When you flirt that creates a positive impact on him and makes him miss your presence. Remember, if your texts make him feel good and this feeling is constant, he will miss you. Now, being absent is not the solution to make him miss you.

Try and reminisce on good times. Send him a picture of you and tease him to give you his opinion. Ask for his help or opinion.

“I am eating right now mint ice cream and it reminded me how much fun we had last time.” “I am making a puzzle right now but I am missing a piece…. YOU.” Remember to not use sexual language so you can’t make him feel uncomfortable.

3. Know when to be persistent and how to end the conversation

You can make a guy miss you over text if you know when and how to end the conversation. Now, flirting and initiating a conversation is fine but you need to let him know that you’re not clingy. That’s something achievable. Even if you are having a great time you should try to balance the conversation. Ghosting him doesn’t mean that you’re ending the conversation properly. Be polite and show him that you’re enjoying the conversation but you need to go. “I am laughing so hard right now and enjoying the moment but I have to go because I have to wake up early tomorrow.”

4. Create a positive aura

One of the best ways to make him miss you is to make him feel safe when he is with you. You can create a positive aura also over texting.

Check up on him from time to time; Let him know that you’re always there for him without pressuring him. Let him know that you’re grateful for him but also respect his boundaries.

“The day just started and I am just smiling when I remember your face.” You can use any type of adjective that will express gratitude and respect for your partner. Note: You cannot force him to miss or like you. You need to leave him space so he can crave your presence.

5. Let him know how much you value him

You can make your boyfriend miss you through text by complimenting him. When you’re in a long-term relationship, sometimes you can get into a routine that will make you lose the sparkle. To make him miss you, you can trigger the provider instinct in him. A male will feel powerful and will crave your presence when you make him feel valuable in a relationship. Try to compliment him over text in the morning or during the day. Avoid complimenting him only late at night because that will not seem genuine. It will look more like a booty call. “You make me feel much stronger and confident when I am with you.” “I just get lost in your eyes and smile.”

6. Be more magnetic

You will have the power and make him miss you when you’re charismatic, confident, and not clingy. Let him know that you value him but also you need to let him know that the world doesn’t revolve around him.

Show your sense of humor; Be authentic; Try to work on your self-confidence more; Be independent but also work on your feminine side;

Once you’re irresistible, he will find it difficult to not be in your presence.

7. Be easy to talk to and don’t play mind games

What makes a man think and miss you is to not suffocate him and be a woman of values. Do not manipulate his feelings to get what you want because that will only give him the ick. Your manipulative skills will mirror and will confuse him even more. Trying to control what he feels or thinks will only give him mixed signals. That’s why try to text him in a simple mode.

Ask questions and be interested in what he likes and dislikes; Answer his questions and don’t try to be someone you’re not; Find what you have in mutual so when he encounters those things will remember and miss you;

So dating is hard and to be subjective you need also a third opinion.  A relationship coach can help you reflect on your personality more so you can understand your partner too.

8. Give him something to look forward to

Being mysterious doesn’t mean that you need to ghost him or avoid answering his questions. If you’re in a long-distance relationship, you need to provide him with something to keep him coming back to you. So, you can take texting to another level. Use the app Touch Note so you can create an emotional connection first. There you can share notes, photos, your feelings, and everything with one another. Reminding him how much he means to you and writing your plans there will make him miss you. Still, you’re in a long-distance relationship but don’t overdo it. Make weekly or monthly plans that will be more exciting and will make him want to contact you.

9. Don’t make the conversations all about you

Focus on him too, because talking constantly about yourself and asking him to fulfill your needs, will only push him away. When you’re having a conversation through text, give him some space to express himself too. Be a listener and try to put yourself in his shoes too. Remember that a guy likes to be listened to and he likes to carry the conversation. You won’t get his attention and make him miss you if you are always carrying on the conversation. On the contrary, that will make him feel not appreciated.

10. Give your boyfriend or husband special attention and support

It doesn’t mean that you only have to stop texting or barely text him to make him miss you. You can do it also the other way around. Make him feel connected emotionally with you in a form. Now, you might ask how you can do it. Well, you can put your relationship to a whole other level if you support him for whatever reason. Find what makes him feel alive and what he likes. It could be a sports team that he supports. You can text him something like: “ Whohoho Go Bears. I have my chips, beer, and the game ready.” If you want to make it more special, you can send a picture of you watching the game too.

11. Evoke his feelings by being sensual on social media or over text

If you want to make your boyfriend miss you over text, sexting is an option. You can sext by being flirty, funny, and sensual either by using SMS or having a conversation on social media. Even if you are in a long-term relationship, you should be careful how you craft the text. If you overdo it then your partner would feel uncomfortable and won’t know how to even react. The psychology of making him miss you is to make him feel wanted, understood, and sexy. “The perfume in my clothes reminds me of the good times we had last night.” “I wish I was in your arms right now. Those muscles know perfectly well how to wrap me around.”

12. Understand his schedule and give him the needed space

First, you need to understand when he misses you. He misses you when you let him breathe and enjoy your presence when it’s suitable for both of you. Everyone is busy and sometimes caught up in everyday life. Instead of being all up on his face, try to enhance yourself. Create your own life and let your energy attract him.  You cannot make him miss you or prioritize you if you control his feelings or thoughts. If you had a fight with him then the best way to make him miss you is to let him go. In this case, you can use the No Contact Rule and let him work on himself while you do it on your own.

25+ unique texts to make him miss you!

Texts to make him miss you can be crafted in different ways. How you craft your message and how you want to miss him depends on your relationship first. Then it depends on why you want to make him miss you. Text messaging needs to be short and simple. Hence, don’t be afraid to show your true colors. The key to making him miss you over text is to be authentic.

1. Flirty texts

  1. “Omg, are you the strongest man alive?” 2. “Remember when we both held hands for the first time? That was my favorite moment.” 3. “Your perfume is my favorite smell.” 4. “I wish we were cuddling right now.” 5. “Do you know what my favorite heater is? Your body!”

2. Sexting

  1. “Well, I have a list of things that I would do if I was next to you.” 2. “I can make your fantasy a reality.” 3. “Hearing your name got me dripping.” 4. “Set a date cuz’ I got the map. I only need your body now cuz it’s like a wonderland.” 5. “How would you react if I showed up at your door right now with the hottest outfit ever?”

3. Tease him a little bit

  1. “Are you feeling like cuddling right now? No problem as long as I exist.” 2. “Do you know what annoys me the most? Not listening to your squeaky.. I mean sexy voice daily.” 3. “They said the skin on skin is the best way to feel warm. Wanna help?” 4. “Ugh, why you’re so hot? You took my spotlight..” 5. “There is no one like you in this world. Well, maybe me…”

4. Create a mysterious and funny way to end the conversation

  1. “My boss is calling me, I need to go.” 2. “Right now I am working and I really enjoyed our conversation. Bye, ttyl.” 3. “Yes, thank you for making this night the best night ever. Talk to you later.” 4. “Omg that was way too funny. I will be thinking of you. Bye, nighty night.” 5. “Until next time, I will hold these memories like my favorite teddy bear.” 6. “Let me be part of your dreams tonight so you won’t miss me until tomorrow morning.”

5. Make him curious

  1. “You won’t believe what I am cooking right now.” 2. “Can you guess why I can’t concentrate today?” 3. “Quick I need CPR, are you certified?” 4. “Do you know which part of you I love the most?” 5. “I know why I am the luckiest woman in the world.. But do you know why?” 6. “I have some things to do this week yet I have one on my top list. Do you know what is it? 7. “You won’t believe what is making me happy right now?”

An important message: You can use these texts according to your situation. Make sure to not fake your feelings or thoughts. If you try to just copy-paste text messages then you won’t evoke any type of feeling in your partner. He will notice that this is not you and that something is missing.  Use these samples, embrace yourself, and add to them your personality traits.

One last thought!

You can make him miss you through text by being yourself and letting him be himself. Even if you’re dating or you’re in a relationship, drawing boundaries will make him miss you. Trying to be distant without a particular reason won’t trigger him. It will give him the signal that you’re not interested in him or something is wrong with your relationship. Be yourself and give him the needed attention. Compromise, the right amount of love will, and the way you make him want to be more around your presence. Love, Callisto

How to make him miss you through text  12 tips   25  unique texts to make him crave you - 86How to make him miss you through text  12 tips   25  unique texts to make him crave you - 15How to make him miss you through text  12 tips   25  unique texts to make him crave you - 11How to make him miss you through text  12 tips   25  unique texts to make him crave you - 38How to make him miss you through text  12 tips   25  unique texts to make him crave you - 44How to make him miss you through text  12 tips   25  unique texts to make him crave you - 12How to make him miss you through text  12 tips   25  unique texts to make him crave you - 67