Making him miss you will be a manipulative move, that’s why you need to allow him to miss you. The main tip to allow him to miss you is to create a strong bond with one another. Give him some room to breathe but at the same time make sure to give him enough attention. Remember that missing someone creates a feeling of sadness, bittersweet happiness, void, and a deep sense of absence. Hence, all of this should be done organically and to achieve it here are 14 main tips:

1. Most importantly: Have a positive impact on him

As mentioned before, creating a bond in your relationship is a must. You can do it by impacting positively your partner. This study shows that you can have a better relationship with your partner if you focus on your improvement. So, while you work on yourself and create a non-toxic environment, you will attract more of your partner. Instead of focusing on improving your partner to make him miss you, you create a new aura by yourself.

Start having meaningful conversations with him; Learn to show affection; Accept the differences between you and him;

Every time that you spend time apart, he will be able to value differently your value and impact on him.

2. Don’t be persistent or complain excessively

What gives a man the ick is to not let him breathe and be himself while dating or being in a relationship. If he starts to pull away or is acting somehow different than before, don’t be persistent. I am not implying that you shouldn’t ask questions or seek clarification. All that I am advising you is to give him some space and time on his own. I know that is something hard to do, in particular, if you have been in a long-term relationship. Experiencing a change, in this case, can be quite shocking and will leave you confused. What you need right now is a second opinion that you can get from a relationship coach. The best thing is that these coaches will create a special plan for you and the first session is for free.

3. Let him take the lead

A relationship should be balanced. If someone puts more effort than the other then that relationship will slowly fade. That will happen because one of you won’t feel appreciated enough. Immediately, what he will do is seek another relationship. So, to prevent this, you should also let him do some things for you. If he is an alpha man then you can make him miss you only by allowing him to take the lead too. He will feel more important and that he is a part of the relationship just by doing things for you.

Let him initiate texts or calls; Allow him to organize dates the way that he knows. Avoid being persistent only on your goals; Reply to his texts or calls;

4. Enhance yourself

The how to make miss you psychology is based on charisma and charm. To make him miss you, you should be a woman of value. As the founder of experimental psychology, Ernst Weber explained that charisma is a magnetic behavior and a gift. Yes, the aftertaste that will be left, will make him miss you. So, you may notice that to trigger the feeling of missing you, you should have a positive impact on him. You don’t need to manipulate his thoughts or feelings to make him miss you. On top of it all, you don’t need to play games to reach this goal. The attraction that you create will make him miss you, even more, when you’re not together.

5. Give him enough attention

If you want to know how to make your boyfriend, husband or partner miss you, you need to give him the needed attention. Especially, if you are in a long-term relationship then you need to make him feel that he is valued. So, be careful and don’t lose yourself in everyday life when you are overloaded with work and you forget about your partner.

Try to balance your work and personal life; Make a plan of what would make your boyfriend or husband happy; Try to understand his needs and mingle them with yours;

In general, you don’t need to give him excessive attention because that would lead you to nothing. That would make you even more miserable and lower your self-esteem. Sometimes, it’s good to put your significant other on the pedestal but try to do it without harming you.

6. Be unique: Be yourself

Authenticity is the key to making your boyfriend or husband miss you. Now, I know that you might be thinking, yeah what about it? Nowadays, with dating apps and in the era of situationships and cheating, one would adore originality. You need to make a difference and stand out from the crowd to make him miss you. These tips help you to be someone or give him something that he will miss when you’re not around. ~To be authentic in the relationship firstly you need to know yourself. ~Then be vulnerable and honest. Try to communicate your feelings daily. ~Put yourself in his shoes too. To be authentic requires time and it’s not a linear progression. Just be patient with yourself because you’ll get there.

7. Start working on your attachment style

Getting to know and work on your attachment style is one of the ways to make him miss you. When you understand how your attachment style works, you will know what to do. If you have an anxious attachment style, you tend to overthink a lot. You constantly need reassurance from your boyfriend or husband and you start being clingy. As Simpson (1990) the ones who were anxious were dealing with negative emotions in a relationship. At times, you won’t even understand why you’re acting like that and calling your partner 24/7.

Try to work with a specialist in this area and raise your self-confidence. Once you’re confident, you will be self-independent.

So, self-confidence and independence will make him miss you.

8. Don’t post too much on social media

Even if you’re dating or in a relationship, you need to leave some space for him to wonder. Don’t be that woman that puts all her life on social media because then it will be nothing left to discuss or wonder about. When you’re constantly up on his face, you are not giving him the chance to miss you. The less information that he has about you, the more curious he will get. Just stay fresh. I am not suggesting that you shouldn’t post and all but do it less.

9. Draw your boundaries

If you aren’t dating and you want to make him miss you then you should be self-confident. Self-confidence comes when you know what you want and how you feel. To achieve it you need to decide what are you looking for in this relationship.

First, set your standards. Let him know what you like and dislike, what you allow and don’t allow. Work on your communication skills daily. Respect his boundaries too.

To be more specific, creating a healthy relationship is the key to making him miss you.

10. Do separate activities and hang out with different people

Even if you are in a relationship, you need to have a separate life. When you are happy on your own and create your own life, it’s easier to make the relationship work. Now, you’re not codependent and that won’t harm your partner. Hanging out with different groups of friends and doing activities on your own allows him to miss you. You’re not constantly 24/7 and that’s how the spark of the relationship won’t be dimmed.

To do separate activities, join any club. While doing separate activities, you will be introduced to many other people and make friends.

You need to disconnect a little bit so you can connect later.

11. Don’t reveal immediately everything about yourself

This is one of the main things to do when you just have started to date. Go with the flow and go slow.  I know that sometimes you might feel like you have met the right guy and you want to let him know all the things about you. Yet, revealing all the information about you will leave no place for him to ask questions. After some dates, he will be bored and he might even ghost you. At that specific time, you might not understand what’s going on but being an open book will make you less mysterious. And, a man likes to wonder and pursue that’s why you should make him wonder. The more curious he is about you the more he will miss you.

12. Break the pattern and surprise him

Catching him off guard with different surprises will make him miss you. You need to find ways that will help you raise the emotional and physical attraction to you. For example, he is always the one who initiates texts, calls, or dates. Change the pattern a little bit. Now, is your turn to do it.

If you always had dates at the same restaurant, have a picnic instead. If you were less affectionate, learn how to communicate your feelings. Tell him that you also miss him.

Do something that you didn’t do earlier on, so you can get his attention and make him miss you.

13. Give him gifts

Other sources might advise you to leave some of your things in his house, so he will miss you. Well, it’s better if we put this idea into other words.  You will make him miss you if you give him something important to him: A GIFT! Now, every time that he has that gift near him, he will feel your presence and absence at the same time. This will make him think about you and he will immediately start to miss you.

Think about whatever gift will make him happy and something that will connect him with you deeply.

14. Create your inside jokes

Inside jokes are the main ingredient to make him miss you. You might ask but why? Well, having inside jokes is like having something unknown to others. Having something on your own as a couple makes you outstanding from others. Every time, that he encounters something or someone that reminds him of that joke, he will miss you. In general, those moments and how he felt while making these jokes, will make him miss you.

Does absence make a man miss you?

Yes, absence does make a man miss you, especially, if he has strong feelings for you. As mentioned before, you need to create a life of your own. Just let him breathe and get along with his life too. The process of making him miss you shouldn’t be forced.  What makes this process natural is letting him and yourself grow on your own and together simultaneously. ~Do not reach out to him constantly.  If you want to make him miss you badly, you don’t need to be all the time there for him. Indeed, you need to show affection and be there for him.  Yet, if he is attracted to you, physically and emotionally, detaching yourself a bit, will make him crave you more. One of the psychological tips, not tricks to make someone miss you is to allow him to adjust to your absence. During this time, you will give him space and time to reflect on his feelings.  If you’re constantly with him then he won’t know what is he feeling about you.

How to make your boyfriend miss you? 

The definitive answer to making your boyfriend or husband miss you is to be a woman of high value. You need to give him a reason to miss you. Well, many have different outlooks on this matter but when you know your worth, you will have a different vibe. This special vibe and energy will make you unique. Your uniqueness will have a different and positive impact on him. When you aren’t near him or even if you are just standing there, he will have that feeling of longing. How you make him feel, will be the indicator of whether he will miss you or not. Love and light, Callisto

How to make him miss you  14 tips to make it an easy task - 39How to make him miss you  14 tips to make it an easy task - 85How to make him miss you  14 tips to make it an easy task - 29How to make him miss you  14 tips to make it an easy task - 37How to make him miss you  14 tips to make it an easy task - 51How to make him miss you  14 tips to make it an easy task - 9