As surprising as it may sound, it’s true. These are methods tried and proved to work by countless people worldwide. Of course, paying for a web designed to specifically find people on dating apps and sites has its perks, but so does finding dating profiles for free! You get to spend some time and effort into the process, but not a single cent. At least not with the methods I’m about to show you. Why pay money when you can do it for free with just a little bit of skills added to the process?! One of the ways to find out if someone is registered on dating apps for free is through the profilesearcher. You can type the person’s email, name, or phone number and your entire process just becomes easier from thereon. If you feel like giving other things a shot, then I’ve got some really good stuff for you! Here are 6 ways you can find someone’s dating profile for free:

1. Searching Their Name & Username: Using Google

This one’s quite known already. All you need is the internet and a device connected to the internet. Of course, you have those! Finding someone’s dating profile for free can be done by using Google to search for their username. However, this is slightly limited since it doesn’t work for all dating apps/dating sites out there. You could give it a try though. This has been working for Tinder, but you can try a similar method with other dating sites as well. So it’s and name; For example, donna Or through URL by typing; For example, So essentially, this is a username search on dating sites for free as long as you do it the right way. Usually, the name is what you see on the profile, and the username is what they use to log in on the dating site/app. This method only works for the name and username they’re using on their dating profile. You can try to google their email and see if you could get any results, but chances are you won’t. You won’t lose anything in the process, so it’s worth a shot!

2. Searching Their Images on Google

This tends to be less effective, however, it’s free so it’s worth giving it a shot. If you happen to have a picture of the person you’re looking to find on dating apps or sites, and you strongly believe that they’d use that picture on their dating profile, then you can do something about it! If you’re on a PC: go to Google Images, and drag and drop the image onto the search bar. If you’re trying to get results from your phone –  iOS: Tap on picture > Copy > Paste on Google Images search bar Android: Tap on picture > share > search image You’ll be able to see the results of that picture on dating apps if the dating app has the pictures of its users visible to search engines. This seems to have worked with people trying to find someone on Tinder, though it could be possible to show you results from other dating apps as well. On the other hand, if you don’t find the results. We can move on to the rest of the free alternatives to find someone’s dating profile!

3. Have/create your dating profile(s)

At this point, you can have your dating profile and swipe until you stumble upon that person’s profile. Most dating apps are free to use unless you want to subscribe to any particular premium feature they offer. Having a dating profile of your own will allow you to swipe through profiles until you find the person you’re looking for. This may not cost you money, however, it costs you time and effort. Though, it’s very doable and effective if you set your mind to it. What you have to do is set up a few dating profiles on different dating apps/sites. Usually, people use the most popular dating apps such as

TinderBumbleEharmonyOkCupidFacebook Dating

Now, creating a profile on each of these will take you time and effort, but in a lot of cases, it’s pretty effective. The next thing you want to do after you create your profile(s) is set your preferences according to the person you’re looking for. For example, if they’re 27, set your age preference at 27. This will make it easier and faster for you to find who you’re looking for. Knowing their name then you can try to find them on Facebook dating, which works too. If you’re single and open-minded to other people, you can enjoy the experience on these dating apps/sites. However, if you’re determined to find that person only, you might ruin other people’s experiences just a tad on those sites. Note: If you’re looking for your partner on dating sites, this method is very likely to cause you trouble in your relationship!

4. Finding a Dating Profile by Phone Number For Free

The only way to find a dating profile by phone number for free is by using free services for finding and searching for people. Some of those services make very generalized searches and are not designed specifically for dating app searches. However, they seem to be functional in a lot of cases for dating sites and app searches as well. Here’s a service handier than your usual search services: Usersearch Since these free services are not specifically designed for a dating app, searching for a person on them allows you to search for someone on all dating sites at once. This is one of the many sites you can find on the internet. You can look it up and choose which one suits you best. However, this is what I’d suggest. Some require only a username, while on some others you can type a phone number and/or email. The point is they’re free, and there’s a possibility that you’ll find who you’re looking for on dating apps.

5. Finding a Dating Profile by Email For Free

Yes, you can search and find dating profiles by email, and yes, you can do so for free. Profile searcher is one of the platforms through which you can find any dating profile on any dating app/site by email for free. All it takes is to write down that person’s email, and you’ll be finding the results of the dating sites/apps the person is using with that email through this search engine for free. There are not many platforms that offer this service for free, since searching a dating profile by email takes a bit more than searching a dating profile by name. Profile searcher isn’t designed specifically for one dating app/site, so it works for all dating sites, anywhere a person has a dating profile. If you don’t get any results after your search, the person is probably not using that email, or they’re simply not using any dating apps/sites at all!

6. Your friend(s) can help too!

I can only guess who you’re looking for, but your friends can be a tremendous help in this. If they’re on dating apps (even better if they’re on different dating apps), you could tell them about the person you’re looking to find. Let your friend(s) know to notify you the moment they see your person’s dating profile if you will. Now, some dating apps offer you the option to share the found profile, while others do not. However, a screenshot, or sharing the link of their profile will do just fine. If you’re trying to find this person as a way to know if they’re betraying your trust, the screenshots will be enough. However, if this is a person you once saw on a dating app, but now you’re trying to find them again, you need the link to their profile. Don’t forget to check if they’ve been active on the app though. There you go, another way of finding someone’s dating profile for free, check!

7. See What You Can Find In Their Devices

If they’re your partner, then this is yet another effective (though not very healthy) way of checking if they’re on dating apps/sites or not. If you let them know beforehand that you’re going to go through their devices and see if they’re on dating apps/sites there’s a risk that they remove the evidence. Though it’s free of charge, it’s expensive of emotions because you’ve got to be sneaky on this one. And this tends to be an emotional roller coaster for most people secretly checking their partner’s devices. The emotional side of it is pricey and difficult, but practically, it’s pretty simple. Get their phone or other devices you suspect they’re using online dating on, and start looking for a dating app icon, or check their browser and check for dating sites. Normally, it’s very easy to tell a dating app’s icon or a dating site’s URL, so I’m assuming that won’t be much of a problem for you. On the other hand, if you don’t know much about how these dating apps and sites look, you’ve got more work to do by checking each ‘suspicious’ app and site you find on their devices. If it looks like a ‘hookup’ profile, then it probably is one.

8. If they’re your partner, talk to them

It’s free, and if you already set your mind to try out other methods, then it’s worth giving it a shot! They can have hidden dating profiles that no service you use can find them. But there’s a way you can do that for free: Let your guards down and have a conversation. These doubts can stem from inner insecurities or plain suspicious behavior from your partner. Either way, it’s worth discussing them with someone you chose to share vulnerability with and be intimate with. If the connection between you two is genuine, you’ll get to solve this and it’ll help you out on strengthening your communication and connection!

If Nothing Works Out…

Well, I’m sure one of those methods will work out, however, in case you’re looking for a quick solution and answer, we’ve got one of those too! It takes no brain to understand that you’ll find someone on dating apps or sites a whole lot easier and faster through a third-party app or site that’s specifically designed for that purpose. However, the only thing that might not be convenient for you is that you have to pay for that service. So, if nothing out of those 7 free methods works out, then you’ve got a couple of alternatives: All of the aforementioned (besides Cheaterbuster, of course) search all dating sites at once. The reason for that is because they’re searching a dating profile, a person’s data on dating apps and sites, instead of the person on a specific dating app. Cheaterbuster is specifically designed for Tinder, meaning it only allows you to find out if someone’s on Tinder. You can’t use it to find profiles on other dating sites and apps besides Tinder. Unfortunately, there are no Cheaterbuster-free alternatives. After some intense research on it, I’ve found that the so-called free alternatives to using cheaterbuster or socialcatfish are only misleading and a waste of time. If you want to use these sites and have results, you have to pay. Finding him on dating apps – How to find him & what to do about it?

While Searching For Someone’s Dating Profile, Don’t Forget…

You can get lost in the process and forget a few important things you have to consider while looking for a dating profile. Here are a few things you mustn’t forget while searching for a dating profile online: – They could be using a fake name, fake email, or a fake phone number. – They could use the dating apps’ features to avoid seeing your profile. – They could be off of the app, and they didn’t properly deactivate their online dating account. – Don’t forget to screenshot, or save the link to their profile. – They could be using the sites in incognito mode. – They could be hiding the dating app(s) in secure folders on their devices (e.g. files with passwords only they know). – Be aware of hidden and secret dating apps.

Final thoughts

Finding a person’s dating profile for free, or even with a price, has never been easier. The only struggle could be the one while you face choosing which one you’ll try out first. Try to keep it genuine. But if you don’t see any other way around it, then go ahead and try out what fits you best at the moment! 7 free methods, plus a few others. All you gotta do is choose the most suitable one for you. Hopefully, you found this helpful. Good luck! Callisto

How Can I Find Someone s Dating Profile for Free  8  Ways to Find a Hidden Dating Profile - 77How Can I Find Someone s Dating Profile for Free  8  Ways to Find a Hidden Dating Profile - 16How Can I Find Someone s Dating Profile for Free  8  Ways to Find a Hidden Dating Profile - 99How Can I Find Someone s Dating Profile for Free  8  Ways to Find a Hidden Dating Profile - 92