After the breakup, most people tend to make decisions based on their emotions. While making these decisions on your own or taking your friends and family’s help might create confusion. Thus, emotions can send you to some dark places, and navigating this situation on your own will be hard. Every situation is unique and every breakup happens for different reasons. That’s why the specific help of a personal coach is needed.  They focus on your situation to create a unique strategy so you can heal, reconnect and have a successful story. Through our articles about the breakup, you will get an idea and enough information on how to deal with the breakup. Then, the help of a personal coach will give a personal touch to your situation.

Personal Coach Explained

Unlike a dating coach, a personal relationship/breakup coach will help you to pin down the issues that ended your relationship. They will help you to enhance vital skills of improving yourself and your relationship at the same time. You will analyze your situation from a different point of view.  You’ll learn how to overcome your negative emotions. Knowing how to navigate these emotions and work on your flaws, you’ll create a different opinion about yourself and your ex. Most importantly, you will understand why you want your ex back and are you ready to go back.

Why do you need the help of a personal coach to get your ex back?

A personal coach will help you get back on your feet after the breakup. They will be someone who will guide you through the whole process of heartbreak. You’ll get professional help on how to rebuild a rapport with yourself first then with your ex. When a short-term relationship ends, you will be hurt and still wonder if your relationship was worth it.  Hence, if that was a long-term relationship healing and getting together process will be more confusing and it will take a longer time. That’s why a relationship coach will try to learn how the relationship started and what went wrong along the way. They will analyze it from another point of view and help you reflect without being biased.

1. Initially, a relationship coach will help you recognize your feelings

After the breakup, you will feel lost and numb. Even if you try to understand what you are feeling, you will fail multiple times. That’s quite normal because you are interrupting a pattern. You were used to your ex and to that routine until now. One thing that a coach will want you to do so you can understand what you’re feeling is to grieve. You will go through other stages of the breakup and heal. Some of the methods that a relationship coach provides so you can heal are:

Journaling;Forgiving yourself first;Crying and not holding back any emotion;Taking a trip by yourself and spending time on your own;

2. A relationship coach can help define the root of the problem

A one-on-one session with a personal coach will help you reflect on your own behavior first. Not reflecting on yourself and focusing only to bring your ex back, you will start obsessing over them. To stop obsessing and start retracting your ex, a coach might ask you to change your mindset. You will position yourself so an ex will pursue you. How can they do it? Simple as that. You will work on your flaws and go back to what you might have done to damage the relationship. Once you start to recognize your own flaws, you will be able to analyze your ex’s flaws too. Now, you won’t be clingy and accuse your ex. On the contrary, you will think subjectively.

3. They will help you to reflect on your relationship and your impact on your partner

After the breakup, it’s hard to recognize if you or your partner impacted negatively one another. Unrequited love, controlling behavior, and being narcissistic, are traits that sometimes one refuses to recognize. This is the moment when a relationship or a breakup coach will step in. You will learn to take a step back, use no contact or ignore your ex until you work on this issue. Being in contact with your ex in this situation will prevent you from improving or even getting back together.

4. They will get specific with your needs

It’s true that venting to friends or family after a breakup will be helpful, but at times might damage your progression. Professional help is really important because they will listen to every detail and understand exactly how you’re feeling. They have a vision for you and your issues. They can see beyond your fears, desires, and limitations. Both of you will work towards a goal and understand what you want and what can be fulfilled.

5. They will help you establish a goal

Every human loves differently and every breakup is different. That’s why a breakup coach will customize a plan that is appropriate for your situation. They will make a plan from healing to getting back together, and maintaining a healthier relationship. To achieve that for someone it might work the No Contact Rule for others it might not. If you have a stubborn ex then maybe this rule will make the situation worse.

6. They will maintain your motivation

It’s normal that after the breakup the motivation to progress will decrease from time to time. To avoid demotivation and post-breakup depression, the coach will keep track of you. They will give you advice on what to do in specific cases or what to say. After doing it, they will observe how you’re behaving and if you’re following the plan. Otherwise, without their help, it’s possible that you might get stuck, and the progression will be hindered.

7. They will help you understand if you have a chance to get back together

Getting back together with an ex isn’t always possible. That depends on both, how you and your ex will heal and work on yourself before getting back together. To know if you have a chance to get your ex back when your ex doesn’t want to be back:

 You need to find out the reason why they and you are behaving like that;

Just because the relationship is over doesn’t mean that things can’t change. Sometimes, an ex might be hurt and say the contrary of what they want in reality or vice versa.

8. You will learn to take responsibility

Sometimes, lack of commitment and taking responsibility in relationships is the reason for breaking up. If this is the reason that your relationship failed then a breakup coach will help you work on it. They will give you tasks to understand why you’re afraid to take responsibility or be committed. If you stick to the coach’s plan then you’ll improve and show your ex that you’ve changed.

9. You will seek new possibilities for yourself and your ex

A relationship or breakup coach is always helpful when it comes to recognizing other sides of one’s personality. They will make you recognize a potential that you might never know that you had. Let’s take, for example, you broke up because you didn’t know how to maintain communication. With personal coaching, you will spot the issue that held you back from having proper communication. They are able to identify if the initiator of this issue is your or their childhood, stubbornness, or a greater ego.

10. You’ll understand if you will get together for the right reasons

If you don’t get back together for the right reasons, getting back together won’t last in the long run. Dealing with the breakup on your own, you might get the wrong reasons why you want your ex back. That’s because without having the opinion or help of a non-biased person, you’ll decide based on your emotions. It’s normal to feel lonely and anxious after the breakup and feel the need to be near your ex. A breakup coach will make sure that you work on yourself first and then decide why you need your ex.

11. You’ll get access to the appropriate materials to heal and get your ex back

Being exposed to a lot of materials about the breakup on the internet makes it harder to know which are appropriate. By appropriate, I mean which advice would be useful in your situation. Analyzing your situation by yourself isn’t the same as having the opinion of a professional coach. Depending on their strategies, they’ll help you craft a letter or will send a list of books, articles, and podcasts. Other than this, observing your situation from the beginning, they will know which resources will help you.

12. A coach will help you understand your ex’s psychology after the breakup

Being driven by emotions or pain, you might misinterpret your ex’s post-breakup behavior. If your ex has been moving on quickly, you might take it as a sign of not loving you anymore. On the contrary, many people choose to jump into a relationship to cope with their feelings. That’s why a rebound relationship is a quick fix for most of them. With the help of personal coaching, you will be able to decode their behavior. No one enters a rebound relationship for the same reason. Your ex might do it to make you jealous whereas others will do it because they fell out of love.

How long does it take to get your ex back with the help of personal coaching?

This depends on your situation and what type of plan a personal/relationship coach implements. Multiple external elements help or prevent your ex from getting back to you. Your ex might not be in the same mindset as you or might need a longer time to heal. A relationship/breakup coach will show that the change should be linear and you should avoid manipulating your ex. Change means awareness, acceptance, and action. These are the three elements that you will learn by attending sessions with a coach. Once you start implementing them, your progress will start. How soon will you get back together with your ex?  That depends also on how bad the breakup was and how you and your ex will be able to redeem yourselves. It is important to say that each coach has different strategies and techniques. For someone, it might take up to 6 sessions to solve the issue and re-attract your ex. Whereas other coaches need a longer time and go in small steps to achieve the goal. In the end, the progression will also be dependent on how you will stick to the plan made by the coach. I know that sometimes it is difficult but sticking to the plan will get faster and more positive results.

How can I find a good relationship/breakup coach for me?

Finding the right relationship/breakup coach depends on the strategy that they use and the problems they solve. ~You might find online many relationship/breakup coaches but you should choose the ones that are certified. ~Second of all, find someone that is specialized in the area of your need.  In this case, you need someone who knows how to work with heartbreak, heal and mend a relationship. ~Check out the reviews of their pages. ~Choose if you want a one-on-one session and if you want to attend it online or in person. In particular, you can seek help from the professional coaches of Relationship Hero. Get the needed help from the best coaches of Relationship Hero This webpage offers a free consultation for 10 min right after you sign up. This way, you’ll have a sneak peek at how these coaches will deal professionally with your issues. Here, you will be secure and understood. To attend a session, you can video call them, text, or talk. The best thing about them is that they can assist you 24/7.  Knowing that after the breakup, emotions come in waves.  One moment you don’t need your ex and then the next minute you just want to hug them. Whenever you need consultation and advice on what to do, they will help you. Here are some extra suggestions:

  1. Relationship Coach Finder
  2. Find a Coach Near Me
  3. NHS Relationship Counselling Services

Bottom Line:

In conclusion, never be afraid to ask for extra professional help when you’re dealing with heartbreak. It’s true that breakups are hard to deal with on your own and accept different opinions from everyone. Getting your ex back with the help of a personal coach is better than missing the chance of getting them back. No matter what, these sessions will help you to feel nourished and ready to leave the past behind. You’ll learn to love yourself first and then attract what’s best for you! Warm hugs, Callisto Adams

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