Calm down! He just called you beautiful. And now that the complement has sunk in, you’re getting anxious as to what to say next. Besides that light blush on your cheeks, you might get a rush of excitement which then leaves you speechless and unaware of the ‘right thing to say’. Well, besides seeing the truth about what he told you, you can do something else about this! Here are 8 ways to respond to a guy when he calls you beautiful:

1. Don’t say “I don’t think so”

It might make you feel weird, but don’t pound on it for long. He wouldn’t have complimented you if he didn’t mean it. As unsettling as you might feel about getting such compliments, don’t deny it. Not only does it make you look self-conscious but also creates an awkward encounter as if you’re trying to make him insist on the compliment. On the other hand, he might think that he did something wrong or created a weird atmosphere, and you’ll embarrass him as much as you are feeling embarrassed. So don’t deny it, you are beautiful!

2. Respond by giving him a kiss

Getting confused or embarrassed when getting compliments is a common scenario. But, if he is your partner, this will be easy: just give him a kiss! Let him know you appreciate the compliment. Don’t shy away from it. It will make him happy to know that you enjoyed his compliment. He will find joy in your happiness. A simple act can mean a lot. If you feel shy about expressing your feelings, show them through actions, give him a kiss!

3. Initatte physical affection

It sure might feel nice getting compliments from your partner. It makes your heart go fuzzy and cheeks turn red. If you do not know how to react to the “you’re so beautiful” compliment and feel like words do not express the appreciation, you can:

Give him a hug;Carse his forearm;Cuddle him;Kiss him on the cheek or lips;

Physical affection is a great way of letting him know how you feel without saying much. So, don’t hesitate to show it.

4. Respond by saying “Thank you!”

A simple thank you works as well. If you feel like that is the more appropriate thing to say, then a “Thank you!” will be enough. Give him a smile and let him know that you acknowledged the compliment. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So accept it with confidence and make his day by smiling at him and thanking him. Keep that compliment with confidence. It makes you even more attractive when you do so.

5. Compliment him back

What would be better than getting a “thank you” from the woman he finds beautiful? Getting a compliment back. That would make him feel good. However, don’t feel obligated to compliment him whenever he does. You don’t have to. Only compliment him if you really feel like doing so. Be genuine about it, otherwise, he might feel like you are complimenting him out of curtsy. Here are some compliments that you can give to him:

You are beautiful as well;No, you are beautiful;Oh thanks! I think you’re beautiful too!

Say whatever you feel at that moment. Don’t feel pressured to compliment him just because he did.  It is much better when compliments are given naturally than forced.

6. Accept that you are beautiful

Women who are at peace with how they look, generally are more attractive. Thus, when a guy compliments you, own it. Don’t look at your feet and say “Thank you but I really am not”. When a guy compliments you, take it like a champ! You can even add humor to your response. Not only will it give the atmosphere good energy, but also both of you can have a good laugh. They can be flirtatious replies if you find him attractive/beautiful too. However, be careful with your tone. Make sure that it is lighthearted and funny. You wouldn’t want to suggest something you didn’t mean.

7. Mirror his behavior

Get your flirty mood on! A good reaction to have towards a compliment is to have the same approach as the one who gave it. If he says it in a flirtatious way, do the same, of course only if you want to flirt with him too. Nonetheless, if you don’t feel like it, you don’t have to say/do anything in return. Just give him a polite smile and thank you, then continue your way. However, mirroring the way he compliments you can be a great trick to ‘save’ yourself from the situation.

8. Giggle a bit and get flirty

You know you don’t have to turn this into such a serious event. You can make it playful too. Again, adding a bit of humor, a bit of flirtatious behavior into it, is likely to make it less awkward. On the other hand, you get to connect a bit differently by exploring each other’s playful sides. Make it cheerful!

What does it mean when he calls me beautiful?

You’ve been receiving so many compliments from this guy, that you start questioning his agenda. “What does he mean by beautiful?” “What’s the meaning behind his compliment?” When he calls you beautiful it shows appreciation, it shows a willingness to express his opinion even if it might put him in a vulnerable position. ‘Beautiful’ is also an umbrella that covers compliments such as cute, pretty, sexy, gorgeous, delightful and so much more. By telling you you’re beautiful he could mean:

He’s physically attracted to you;He likes the way you look, he’s attracted to what he’s seeing, hence he’s taking the chance to tell you what he’s thinking.

He likes you and by telling you “You’re beautiful” he sort of confesses his attraction to you;Liking a person can be pressuring for some. A compliment can often be a way to soften and relax things a bit.He’s trying to flirt with you and start a conversation;Depending on the type of guy who made the compliment, oftentimes, a compliment is a way of starting a conversation and a way to start flirting.He finds you very good-looking, so much that he can’t help but say it;It happens to all of us. We just find ourselves overwhelmed by a person’s beauty to the point where we can’t help but express what we’re seeing.He’d like to be more than friends with you, so this might be his way of starting a conversation headed in a romantic direction;A friend might start a conversation on how pretty you are too. That might be coming off of a platonic place, or an urge to escape the friend zone.He’s trying to be manipulative and play you;Unfortunately, compliments are often used by players and narcissists as manipulation tools to woo you into the idea of them.He wants to make you feel good;You know that feeling you get when you look at someone you fancy? You just want to see them smile, and you can’t help but say the things that make them feel well.He might be falling in love with you;Falling in love can make some people let loose and not care much about their defenses. This might be the case, especially if he’s been uptight when it comes to closeness and affection with you.

A comprehension and comparison of “beautiful” vs other compliments

People seem to differentiate the meaning between beautiful, pretty, cute, and hot. Here’s my take on it! Beautiful– refers to elegance, grace, class, and permanence, personality, manners, inner beauty rather than solely physical attributes. It’s the aura that she brings around with her. Pretty – It mostly refers to appearance; she’s subtle, simple, attractive, and turns heads wherever she goes.  Cute – is someone who’s got a sweet attitude complemented by a sweet physical appearance. Hot – is referred to someone who is good-looking and confident with her body. She is often a natural flirt, is sexually attractive, and has a sexy aura around her. All of these are synonyms of what beautiful is. They do not define you, but rather you define them. In need to be heard and listened to?In today’s life’s dynamic people have been feeling lonelier than ever. We tend to feel unheard, invisible, and irrelevant even though we’re surrounded by other people.A therapist, a person who’s willing to listen and hear what you have to say is within your reach! 

The bottom line: A guy called you beautiful! 

When a guy tells you that you’re beautiful, it just means that you are. There doesn’t need to be any meaning behind it. He just felt that he should let you know what he thinks. You are a beautiful human being, personality, manners, the way you think, the way you are yourself… If you feel like it, you can compliment him back. You know, men love compliments as much as women do. Getting compliments from guys seems more of a natural thing. But we can’t deny the joy it brings to them when we compliment them back. So, all in all, every compliment should be well-welcomed. Even if you are feeling embarrassed, just say thank you. Remember, you’ve just got complimented. It’s a good thing! Embrace the blush and the good feelings that the compliment comes with! Love, Callisto

A guy just called me beautiful    8  ways to respond to a guy when he calls you beautiful  - 26A guy just called me beautiful    8  ways to respond to a guy when he calls you beautiful  - 58A guy just called me beautiful    8  ways to respond to a guy when he calls you beautiful  - 64A guy just called me beautiful    8  ways to respond to a guy when he calls you beautiful  - 22A guy just called me beautiful    8  ways to respond to a guy when he calls you beautiful  - 2A guy just called me beautiful    8  ways to respond to a guy when he calls you beautiful  - 19A guy just called me beautiful    8  ways to respond to a guy when he calls you beautiful  - 29