When you craft a text to make him miss you, you need to be authentic, and honest and keep it short. Most men don’t like to text much and go back and forth with texting. That’s why you should consider using different texts to create that feeling of longing. Because the same texts won’t have the same impact on a man that you might have known your entire life or just for a week. If you are using a friendly and funny tone in your texts you allow him to see a different part of you. The moment that he isn’t near you, he will be longing for your positivity. Here are 90 unique texts to make him miss you:

1. Texts to give him the needed space and be understandable

When you want to make a man miss you over the text, you must give him some space to feel your absence. Setting boundaries is one of the first elements of developing a healthy relationship. With texting, less is more. You can use it as a tool to just connect with one another but not to use it as your primary form of communication. If you text him from time to time, you are allowing him to miss you. Also, you should avoid chit-chatting and gossiping because that will just annoy him. A man needs positivity and support.

  1. “I know that you might be sleeping right now but just wanted to check up on you.”
  2. “You might have a hard day today but know that I am always by your side.”
  3. “Take your time, I will be here whenever you feel like talking.”
  4. “I’ll let you fix your schedule and then we’ll catch up.”
  5. “Today I am quite busy, but I will find some time and meet. I’ll figure it out somehow.”
  6. “Days don’t feel the same without you here. Til’ next time I will save you this place.”
  7. “I know that there a few hours since we hung out but my small and red ticky ticker wants you.” 8.“I have to learn to be patient and not crave your presence. Teach me :).”
  8. “You might be tired right now but hey I heard that I can cure it.”
  9. “This bed feels strange without you here but do what you gotta do. I got you♥.”

2. Be interested in his life and care about him

Two crucial things to make a man miss and want you are to be interested in his life and be empathetic. Sometimes, trying to text him to make him miss you isn’t all about flirting or being all sexual and funny. Depending on his personality, you will try to adjust to his needs and life perception to make him miss you. 11. “Just wanted to know that today I ate at our favorite restaurant and thought about you.” 12. “Have you eaten anything today?” 13. “Are you going to watch today’s match? Don’t forget to tune in at 8 pm tonight.” 14. “Hey, hottie. Hope today you have beaten your fitness goal.” 15. “Good morning, how are you feeling today big boy?” 16. “I am not there with you right now but I will keep track of you if you are taking your vitamins.” 17. “Before sleeping I was just checking to make sure that your fam is doing okay.” 18. “Remember nothing is more important than yourself and your health.” 20. “I saw that you’re into tennis too. Let’s schedule our next match. Be prepared to lose tho.” Try to connect with him in the morning or during the day not only during the night because that will give him mixed signals. No matter what type of text you send him only t night he will think that you’re craving only sex and not anything else. Be more careful when you send it, especially during the first stages of dating when you’re still building attraction.

3. Texts to create sexual tension

One of the texts that will make your boyfriend or husband miss you is the one that creates sexual tension. Most of the time due to everyday occupations the flame of the relationship will start to dim. Yes, the routine that is created will kill the joy of the relationship and you might even start to drift apart. It’s important in a relationship to form emotional and physical connections because this will allow him to miss you. Once, he gets used to your attention and compassion, the moment you drift apart, he will notice it and try to fill the void. 21. “Hey, babe, you have no idea what I would do to you right now.” 22. “I know you are fantasizing about me, let me make these fantasies a reality.” 23. “I am laying in bed right now, show me your dirties fantasies.” 24. “Do you know what my greatest sex memory is?

With you? You have no Idea. The first option..

  1. “Let’s create a dirty memory together.”
  2. “My body needs some toppings right now, YOU.”
  3. “Even over texting, you blow my mind.”
  4. “If you are thirsty today, my juice is quite refreshing.”
  5. “Next time we meet, we should shoot a flamy hot movie together. Be prepared.”
  6. “I just wanted to let you know that my lips are crazy about your lips. Bye.” As Relat (2018) points out sexual desire and intimacy are built while you build up emotional intimacy. So, you can text your boyfriend or husband and allow him to miss you when you make one another feel comfortable. If you share your intimacy with him then this is a very big step in enhancing the relationship and connecting.

4. Lovely and valuable texts to send to him

To allow him to miss you, you should be lovely and compassionate, so you can make his heart melt. I advise you to do this also in the early stages of dating when you are just building attraction. Hence, you should be careful and not use strong words to appreciate him because you will come out as too strong. You don’t know him to that level and many things might be misunderstood and will give him the ick. Yet, if you want to make him miss you and you’re in a long-distance relationship, give him special attention. 31. “Babe, you are my northern star.” 32. “One day closer to living together.” 33. “You are mine and I am yours” 34. “I like the way you smile, and I miss it a lot.” 35. “I love being yours, my love.” 36. “I am gushing right now looking at our photos.” 37. “You’re my compass because I would be lost right now without you.” 38. “I am already getting excited knowing that I will see you in two weeks.” 39. “I need your strong hands to help me survive in this life of tough lids on jars.” 40. “Wow James, you know what. Today I feel like the luckiest woman on this planet.”

5. Adventurous texts to make him miss you

When you want to send him a text to miss you, there is another way to do it. If you want to spice things up then you need to go over the edge. In these texts, you can include your free and adventurous spirit that will create scarcity and excitement. To be more specific, if you are just dating, what will allow a man to miss you is the aftertaste or the impression that you give. You should reveal interesting sides of you step by step and thus you’ll keep him hooked. 41. “Can you guess what I did at the gym today?” 42. “You won’t believe that I took your advice to bike on that trail. Contact for more info.” 43. “I did something today, that you won’t imagine. Guess…” 44. “I challenge you to make 5000 steps daily and see which one will win until we meet one another.” 45. “Today I was missing you tremendously and I went to eat dinner alone at our favorite place. I flew to Paris and came back cough cough.” 46. “You know that I am a crazy woman but the love for you makes me a crazier one.” 47. “Your smile drives me crazy, because of it, I drove 200 km/h today🤫.” 48. “There is no need to miss me. On the 10th of January, we are going backpacking Europe.” 49. “Only you are compatible with my adventurous spirit.” 50. “Take my hand, we are going on a virtual trip right now.”

6. Passionate texts to make him miss and crave you

One of the 3 texts to make him miss you is the passionate or romantic text. If you want to make him miss you at the beginning of your relationship or later on, you need to be sensual and passionate. In particular, if he is shy or not used to texting, sending this type of text will benefit you in many aspects.

You will show him that you are interested in him; You will make him feel comfortable to open up to you; You will avoid any type of misunderstanding that might end your relationship;

  1. “My lovely hubby. Your kisses make me the happiest person in this world.”
  2. “You are the apple of my eye, you are straw to my berry.”
  3. “Babe, I think that I am possessed by your love.”
  4. “You are tempting me to fly from Europe to the states just to give you a kiss.”
  5. “You are the greatest gift of my life.”
  6. “This distance cannot do anything to us cuz’ our feelings are stronger.”
  7. “You are my person.”
  8. “Just so you know in this life you are glued to me.”
  9. “I always get drowned in your ocean eyes.”
  10. “The best moment of my life was crossing paths with you.”

7. Playful texts to make him miss you

If you are in dilemma and asking yourself what to text your date or significant other to miss you then choose to be flirty/funny. I know that sometimes you might think that you don’t know how to flirt with him or how to be funny. No worries, we got your back. You just have to use these samples and use them with your own words. Just add what you’re feeling at that moment, and be spontaneous. You can use a few text games, to begin with, because by being funny, flirty, and unpredictable you will keep this man’s interest alive. 61. “I hope you aren’t going to lose your senses right now, but I love you.” 62. “I bet that you love me more than LA LAKERS right? Right?” 63. “I am sure that you would run a mile for me. Would you do that?” 64. “I am not sure if I should treat you like a friend or boyfriend this month. You choose.” 65. “Somebody said that I was glowing lately. My answer was I was wearing a Johnny sparkly lotion.” 66. “Would you go to the 1975 concert with me or should I choose another partner?” 67. ‘I just cannot breathe without my oxygen, YOU.” 68. “Don’t blush but you make my heart beat faster than a shot of espresso.” 68. “I got all red and I am feeling hot just by looking at your profile picture.” 70. “I bet a billion bucks that you’re thinking about me right now.” Being flirty is a skill that can be learned and developed. Here are a few more texts and tips on how to do it:

8. Heart-to-heart texts to make him miss you

The second one of 3 texts to make him miss you is the heart-to-heart text.  You can use your own words to tell him what you miss and what you appreciate about him. Make him feel special by sending affirmations too which will strengthen the bond of your relationship. Emotional support is the main key to making a relationship work and last longer. Any kind of support will offer him positivity and comfort, which a healthy relationship and partner offers. 71. “I thank God every night for your existence.” 72. I have searched for the meaning of life but couldn’t find it until I met you.” 73. “I love it when you hug me tightly.” 74. “You are the best partner ever.” 75. “Just by looking at you, I would set this world on fire.” 76. “Thank you for choosing me. Love you, always.” 78. “Have I ever told you that you mean the world to me?” 79. “You inspire me to be a better person.” 80. “Never forget you deserve all the love that you get.” To create an affirmation in the best way, you need to know your feelings first. Then, you will know how you feel in reality and that you aren’t romanticizing this person. To do it, you might need the extra help of a relationship coach where you can reflect on your relationship and more.

9. Use direct and vulnerable texts

The direct I miss you text is wonderful to use when you want to make your husband or boyfriend miss you. There is no space for him to misunderstand you or use it against you. Because when you are way too vulnerable with your date then you will kind of push him away because he might not be ready for it. Maybe he likes you and wants to continue dating but the affection game is different. At this point, you don’t need to be predictable and reveal too much about yourself or what you are feeling. When you have gone all through the stages of dating by Counselor John Gray, you have already passed the affection stage. 81. “I miss you more than the dessert misses the rain” 82. “Today I missed you more than anything in this world” 83. ‘You are the most amazing person that I have ever met in my life” 84. “I miss your long hugs, just so you know” 85. “Missing you more than the air I breathe.” 86. “I miss your soothing voice babe. You are my world.” 87. “I really would be appreciative of your kisses right now.” 88. “I miss you silly. Life without you here is boring.” 89. “I miss you and your place is forever right by my side.” 90. “You don’t know how much this heart of mine longs for you.”

Final words: What to text to make him miss you?

To make him miss you over text, you need to be vulnerable to an extent and make him feel at home. Your texts shouldn’t be centered only on how you are feeling or how much you’re longing for him. Indeed, you need to express yourself but also put him on a pedestal and give him space to share his thoughts and feelings. You can achieve it only if you are thoughtful and text him from time to time as much as it is needed. Make sure to use these samples and add how you’re feeling too. Keep it short and simple. Love, Callisto

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