This article is about 23 strange signs from the universe that someone is thinking of you. And you might be surprised—it’s easy to spot the signs when you know where to look. Did you ever have that indescribable feeling someone was thinking about you? Or that you were thinking about someone and the next minute the phone rings and that person calls. This is called Synchronicity and it is a concept used in Analytical Psychology. Carl Jung (famous psychologist alert) is the first one to talk about this concept and it refers to how the outside world is sometimes related to the human mind. There is a lot of skepticism about Synchronicity but with the help of this concept, we can sometimes help explain things we otherwise can not explain. So If you have ever wondered if someone out there was thinking of you, these are the signs from the universe to watch out for.

23 Strange Signs from the Universe that Someone is Thinking of You

As a scientist, I approached these 23 signs from both a science and a psychic perspective. That way, we walk the tightrope of blindly accepting something as gospel truth and carelessly dismissing it as hogwash. My goal is to take an honest, objective look at these signs.

23 Signs from the UniverseHow do you know someone is thinking of you?Universe wants you to be with someoneIs the Universe sending signs?

After all, isn’t the best way to arrive at the truth to question everything—including the claim that everything needs solid, measurable evidence to be true? For those versed in the psychic realm, the premise is simple: We’re all connected. Everything in the universe is made up of a web of energy—interconnected, malleable, and conscious. It’s entirely possible, even probable, to send messages across this web of energy through the power of our minds. Reading Suggestion: Should I Text Mt Ex Happy Birthday? So here are 23 ways this web of energy interacts with us in a mundane, yet potentially useful, way. If you’ve ever experienced a weird coincidence or a welcome serendipity out of the blue, guess what—someone might be thinking of you.

Sign #1: You Blush for No Reason

Picture this: You’re just going about your day, minding your own business, when suddenly: You blush. Your cheeks get red, and they feel like they’re on fire. Except you’re not embarrassed, excited, or flustered—it’s like you blushed out of the blue and for no reason. Psychics understand random blushing to be a sign that someone’s thinking of you so intensely that your nervous system reacted. The energy they generated reached you through the universal web of energy and caused your cheeks to flush. Reading Suggestion: 99 Text Messages to make him obsess over you That said, there are certain medical conditions that cause random blushing. But if you’ve never suffered from any of them and it still happens, then it just might be the universe trying to tell you something.

Sign #2: You Get Hiccups Out of the Blue

Likewise, it may also be a cosmic sign when you get hiccups out of the blue. This is likely the case when you didn’t eat anything too fast, or you didn’t drink any soda or alcohol, and you didn’t get too excited—and yet the hiccups still struck you. Like blushing for no reason, random hiccups can be caused by someone thinking of you so intensely, and it manifested enough energy to irritate your diaphragm. While this is hiccups’ spiritual meaning, it’s prudent to check all possibilities. If your random hiccups become too frequent and troublesome, schedule a checkup with your physician.

Sign #3: Sudden and Inexplicable Mood Swings

This can go both ways—either you’re in a high, happy state and you suddenly get depressive… or you’re down in the dumps, and then you suddenly brighten up for seemingly no reason. If this happens to you—and you have no family history of bipolar disorder—then it’s probably the universe sending you a message. Reading Suggestion: What his kiss says about how he feels Take note of the new emotion, though. It’s something you’d associate with whoever is thinking of you at that moment. If you suddenly became depressive, then the energy may be coming from someone who harbors a grudge or wishes ill on you. On the flip side, if you suddenly became maniacally happy, then someone might have a really good opinion of you somewhere. Whether or not they know their energy would reach you is anybody’s guess, but the thought is appreciated nonetheless, right?

Sign #4: Unexplainable Sneezing Fits

This is when you normally don’t suffer from allergies, but you get a random sneezing fit anyway. If you can’t explain why it happened, then it’s probably the universe letting you know that someone is thinking of you. And that’s not all—that someone might actually be romantically attracted to you. For some strange reason, this sign is much more common among individuals of Asian descent: Many believe sneezing means someone is thinking of you. If you immersed yourself in most any Asian culture, you’ll likely come across the folk belief that when you sneeze for no reason, it means someone likes you and is thinking of you very intensely at that moment. On a side note, here’s a fun game you can play when you have an unexplainable sneezing fit. Quickly look around for the first number you see between 01 and 26. The number you see will correspond to a letter of the alphabet (e.g. 01 = “A”, 02 = “B”, and so on). According to my Asian friends, the first number you see or hear will signify the first letter of the first name of whoever’s thinking of you at the moment. If nothing else, it’s a good way to have a little fun with an otherwise uncomfortable (and sometimes embarrassing) sneezing fit.

Sign #5: You Smile for No Reason

Has this ever happened to you before? For some weird reason, you just can’t stop smiling. You’re not forcing yourself to smile, and you didn’t see or hear anything funny. You just smiled and you can’t help it—like you had a wave of good feelings just wash over you. What happened? Psychics would tell you it was likely energies from the universe manifesting in your body as feelings of joy and well-being. Where did it all come from? Most likely someone who’s thinking of you and wishing you well. Reading Suggestion: 31 Signs he wants to make love to you

Sign #6: It’s Almost Like You Can Hear Them

Have you ever thought about someone—perhaps someone important to you or someone you miss—then, shortly after, you thought you heard their voice? But when you looked around, no one was there? Most people would dismiss it as their mind playing tricks. “I’m hearing things,” they’d say. My psychic friends, though, would caution you to consider the possibility that they felt you, too, when you thought about them. And they also felt the unexplainable sensation of missing you. Maybe give them a call and see how they’re doing?

Sign #7: Your Eye Twitches for No Reason

Eye twitching can sometimes be caused by drinking too much coffee, stress, or eyestrain. But what if you did and experienced none of that, and your eye still started twitching for no reason? It’s yet another sign someone’s thinking of you, though the details are somewhat muddled at this time. Some psychics say that when your right eye twitches, it either means good luck is coming your way, or that someone’s wishing you well. Meanwhile, if your left eye twitches, it means incoming bad luck or someone wishes you will. Unfortunately, some psychics say it’s the other way round, so take this sign with a grain of salt.

Sign #8: You See Significant Numbers All the Time

Numbers mean different things for different people. So, if there’s a significant number for you and another person who’s important to you—and for some reason, you keep seeing that number everywhere you go. It’s on price tags, on calendars, on the figures they flash on the news—it’s weird. Reading Suggestion: How to tell if a guy likes kissing you? Seeing significant numbers isn’t only a sign they’re thinking of you—it’s both of you thinking of each other at the same time. The universe then sends the message of this synchronicity by showing you these numbers that are important to the both of you.

Sign #9: You Dream of Them Often

Have you ever dreamed of someone you’ve been thinking of lately, woke up in the middle of the night, fell back asleep—and you dreamt of them again? It’s like you waking up was a commercial break in the middle of a very interesting TV show. As you might guess, it’s yet another sign from the universe. It’s not just you who’s thinking of this special person, but they’re thinking of you, too. Maybe it’s a good time to reach out.

Sign #10: You Come Across a Butterfly or White Feather

This is for when you’ve ever lost someone dear to you. They might have passed away, or moved away to another part of the world, or they simply decided to cut off all ties with you for some reason. They’re still very important to you, and their leaving is a great sorrow for you. Then, sometime after they left, you came across a white feather or a butterfly, either of which seemed extremely out of place (e.g. it was indoors or in a location with no wildlife). What do these signals mean? White feathers are considered as signs the universe is answering your wishes and prayers (such as for relief, recovery, or getting over the pain). It’s also most likely the sign came with a nudge from the person in question. Meanwhile, butterflies are especially significant signs after a loved one’s death. Psychics see butterflies as positive energy from the departed. If a butterfly alighted on you sometime after their funeral, it’s likely them telling you they’re okay, they hear you, and they love you.

Sign #11: They Contact You Out of Nowhere

Imagine this: You think about someone—an old friend or ex, let’s say—and you realize you haven’t seen them for a long time. Then, out of the blue, they contact you. Is that just a coincidence, or was it destined to happen? If you asked anyone with any psychic gift or training, they’d say you and your old friend were fated to get in touch with each other. And perhaps now would be a good time to meet up. Reading Suggestion: What are the signs a guy is hiding his true feelings from you? So the next time this happens to you, consider scheduling some time to catch up with each other. It just might lead to something beautiful. (On a side note: If the contact is unwelcome and you’d rather not hear from them, here are 10 ways to get them to stop texting you without being mean about it.)

Sign #12: You Keep Getting Reminded of Them

Let’s say you were watching some videos on YouTube in the morning, and an ad comes up that reminds you of a past experience with a very old friend of yours. Then, later that day, you drove by a billboard by the highway that reminded you yet again of your friend. And then, that same night, you watch a TED Talk of someone whose first name—to your surprise—matches your friend’s. What the heck’s going on? When you get two or more such signs in rapid succession, it may be best to listen to what the universe is trying to tell you. It might be a message that it’s time to get in touch with them. Something important might be about to happen, and you might have a role to play in it.

Sign #13: You Get the Shivers and Goosebumps Randomly

This is in the same category of signs as random blushing, hiccups, and eye twitching. You simply get the shivers and goosebumps out of nowhere. My New Agey friends call it “psychic chills.” Be careful, though. Random shivers can be good or bad signs from the universe, and it’s best to err on the side of caution and spend the rest of the day playing it safe (e.g. don’t do that unnecessary but fun thing you were planning to do).  In many cultures, random goosebumps are seen as warnings of potential danger of the paranormal kind. Whether you believe it or not, there are many things in the world we can’t explain, and it’s best to avoid trouble if we can.

Sign #14: Relevant Music Suddenly Playing

A friend of mine told me this story. Decades ago, he had a long-distance girlfriend with whom he shared a special fondness for a certain song. (It was Selena’s Dreaming of You.) Once, after some time of not being in touch with each other (It was before cheap mobile plans came along), he decided to give her a long-distance call. She was listening to the radio when she picked up the phone, and within seconds of chatting with him, Dreaming of You started playing. If a one-in-a-million musical event like this happens to you and someone special to you, it’s likely the universe telling you something must happen. Sad to say, my friend didn’t act on it, and his relationship with his girlfriend ended within a year. “Don’t you make that mistake,” is all I’m saying.

Sign #15: You Can’t Get Your Mind Off of Them

Here’s another signal you shouldn’t ignore: you simply can’t seem to get your mind off the other person. No matter what you try, there’s “always something there to remind” you, as the Naked Eyes song goes. When your mind keeps steering back to thoughts about the other person, it may be because of incessant signals from the universe telling you this is important. It may be worth contacting the other person and seeing how they’re doing.

Sign #16: You Want to Be With Them No Matter What

No matter what you do, you can’t seem to shake the urge to be with them. Even if you try to forget about them and focus on other things, you can’t help it. It’s like you’re craving a “fix” of their company, and you can’t do anything else until you get it. This is seen as a signal that they’re thinking of you just as intensely as you are of them, if not even more so. The deep connection is even stronger than you initially thought. It may be time to schedule that meet-up that you’ve been postponing for so long.

Sign #17: Sudden Upset Tummy

This is a bad one. While it’s always smart to see a doctor for sudden stomach pain, it also pays to check your life for any bad relationships you might have. It’s entirely possible the cause isn’t only physical, but perhaps also mental, psychological, or spiritual. Here’s why: A sudden burning sensation in your stomach can sometimes be a spiritual sign of a strained relationship, especially if you didn’t eat anything bad or injure your abdomen in any way. Your mind may be trying to suppress the stress of this relationship, but it manifests in your body nonetheless. And your stomach is the first organ to suffer for it. Reading Suggestion: What does it mean when he calls me instead of texting? In case the relationship in question is your marriage and you feel it’s failing despite your best efforts, this might help. Otherwise, it may be wise to heed the universe’s nudges and address the relationship quickly, whether it’s your marriage or something else. As always, not all toxic relationships can be fixed, and in such cases, ending or leaving it is a viable option.

Sign #18: Your Psychic Friend Reads It

Have you ever had a strange experience and wondered if it’s a sign from the universe—and when you told a psychic friend about it, they confirmed it? If so, there’s no doubting it. There’s nothing like an expert confirming your suspicions. If you have a psychic friend, stay in touch with them. They may clue you in on other signals you’ve been ignoring, as well.

Sign #19: It’s Like You Know What They’re Doing

This is one of the clearest signs someone is thinking of you—when you correctly guess what they’re doing at a certain moment, even when they’re in another part of the world and you haven’t talked for a while. For instance, you might have gotten a strange “vision” in your mind that your ex is seeing someone new. You think nothing of it, except a week later they reach out to you to tell you they’ve just gotten engaged with someone they met a week earlier. (“Ouch,” but also “Wow.”) Moments like this may seem like clairvoyance. You simply thought of each other so strongly that the universe decided to let you know about it.

Sign #20: They’re Viewing Your Forgotten Social Media Posts

Have you ever thought of someone one day, and then you suddenly get a Like or comment from them on one of your old social media posts? It may be coincidence, sure. It may also be when you thought of them, they got a signal from the universe and started thinking of you. And they decided to check on you on social media, ending up notifying you by reacting to one of your older posts.

Sign #21: You Experience a Phantom Touch

This is the “ghostly presence” experience. You feel like something touched you, brushed against you, or bumped you—and yet there’s nothing and no one there. Has that ever happened to you? Psychics are familiar with these ghostly touches, and they say it may very well be the spirit of someone you know who passed away some time ago, but who has been on your mind quite a bit. It’s like the universe is letting them send you a tiny message to say they’re doing fine. That said, they do warn you to watch out for negative phantom touches: Slaps, scratches, shoves and such. These could be supernatural as well, but the negative energy might be from a malevolent entity that wishes you ill.

Sign #22: They Read Your Mind

Picture this: You’re thinking of someone, hoping they’d ask you to meet up sometime soon. Then, after some time, you get a text from them asking if you could meet later that week. They tell you they suddenly got the urge to spend time with you. So what just happened? Again, the universe got the message when you wished to see your friend soon. You wished for it, and the universe let it manifest in a desire in your friend’s heart to schedule a meet-up. It’s like they read your mind.

Sign #23: You Experience Something Serendipitous

Any psychic friend will tell you that nothing is ever just an accident or coincidence. And this would certainly be the case with serendipities, or “happy, accidental discoveries” as some people call them. Here are a few examples of serendipities you might have experienced yourself:

You got fired from your dream job only to discover your true life’s passionYou join a random online chat on a whim and met your next boyfriend/girlfriend thereYou decided to eat at a different restaurant one night, and you met a group of friendly individuals who later led you to the love of your life

Have you ever had any happy, accidental discoveries recently? They just might be proof positive the universe is telling you something. And there you have it: 23 strange signs from the universe that someone is thinking of you. Now, let me answer some frequently asked questions about this topic:

How do you know if someone is thinking about you?

The 23 signs we discussed in this article can very well be signs from the universe. Whether or not the signs are about someone who’s thinking about you will depend on who that person is. First, if it’s someone who’s not important to you, you might not make the connection, and you’ll ascribe the sign as a mere coincidence or happenstance. And so you’ll end up ignoring the sign or forgetting it altogether. Meanwhile, if it is someone important, something about the sign may make you pause and think: “Wait a minute, I thought about this very recently.” And then you make the connection to a person you’ve been thinking about, and realize the universe might be trying to tell you something important. If you want to be 100% sure, reach out to that person and check on them. There might be something to it, or there might not. Either way, it’s the second-best way to confirm whether or not the universe really reached out to you. What’s the first-best way? Consult a psychic friend. They’ll help you find out what the sign really meant (if it meant anything), especially when they learn more about you and your life.

How do you know if the universe wants you to be with someone?

This is a tough question to answer. Do soulmates exist? They very well may. According to psychic experts, a person might be your soulmate if you experience these three signs with them:

#1: Absolute happiness

This is probably the easiest sign to spot. When you’re with this other person, you’re 100% happy and content. Everything about life seems perfect with them no matter what. Absolute happiness will cement your belief in soulmates more than anything else. Of course, it’s also an experience you should take with a grain of salt. After all, most relationships start out “perfect” in the beginning, only to turn hellish after a few months. This is especially true when you date narcissists and other individuals who manipulate others for their own benefit.

#2: Patterns

You notice patterns when you’re with this special person. You experience serendipities, you experience moments of clairvoyance, and you can seem to read each other’s minds. These are all signs that point to the possibility that they may very well be your soulmate.

#3: Dreams

You keep seeing this person in your dreams, over and over. You can take it as a sign that they can play an important role in your life—perhaps as your future significant other. According to my psychic friends, these are the three biggest indicators of a soulmate. Take note, though: It’s entirely possible, even likely, to have more than one soulmate in your life. So don’t get too disappointed if, for any reason, a relationship with someone you thought was your soulmate doesn’t work out.

How do you know the universe is sending you signs?

Again, this is one of the many, many questions that science can’t answer. So, if you’re looking for solid evidence of the universe sending you signs, unfortunately, there won’t be much. So this question steps out of the realm of science and into the realms of philosophy and spirituality. In these realms, the value of “faith” holds more influence than in the natural sciences. That leads us to a little term we like to call the “Leap of faith.” It’s the art of trusting evidence that’s not quantifiable or measurable, and yet completely observable. All 23 signs we discussed in this article fall under this category of evidence. So to wrap up, what’s my “scientific” advice? Even if you can’t take that leap of faith just yet, at least be open to the possibility that the universe might, from time to time, send you signs that someone is thinking of you. Eventually, I hope science eventually evolves into something less self-absorbed and more open to the study of that which can’t be measured. Until then, Be open. Listen. Feel. See what the universe might be telling you. It might just lead you to what’s missing in your life. Reading Suggestion: Why do people cheat on people they love?

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