Well, figuring out whether a guy likes you can be a difficult task, especially when you like him back. There’s a cocktail of emotions interfering with your logic, hell, this is not an easy puzzle! There’s a lot more than verbal expressions to communication, especially when it comes to feelings. It’s the body language, eye contact, way of talking and so much more that can help us figure out how he’s feeling about us. The signs will be there. You want to look for signs of eye contact, touch, attentiveness, attention, playfulness, and the way he is around you. The answer on how to tell that he likes you, the 19 obvious signs he likes you:

1. His body language is open toward you

Figuring out whether a guy likes you can become easier by paying attention to his body language when he’s around you. Body language includes non-verbal cues such as eye contact, way of behavior, gestures, and posture. Taking a look at these cues, you’re likely to have a better understanding of how he feels about you despite the fact that he didn’t verbally express it to you. Things like mirroring you, touching your hand lightly, and positioning his body towards you, are gestures of a guy who likes you. He maintains direct eye contact when you’re talking to him, leans in moderately, and lightly touches your arm or knee throughout the conversation. He indicates confident body language by standing up straight, using gesticulation to emphasize his points, and maintaining eye contact. This is often called the “alpha” body language. It’s his subconscious way of grabbing your attention by showing you he’s protective, tall, and worthy of your presence.

2. You sense he likes you: you’re picking up the signs unconsciously

Sensing is about feeling the vibe and the energy when you’re around each other. It’s about his behavior, his eyes, and how he talks to you. You catch him staring, or just looking at you many times. And boy, does he take his time! His eyes seem to have this kind of glow, his way of talking to you seems to be different from how he talks to other people, and you can’t help but notice. He smiles at you, his body language is open, he’s present where you are, and your gut is picking up on these signs giving you a feeling that he really does like you.

3. He talks you out of other guys

If you’re friends with this guy and he likes you – he likes you more than a friend – he’ll get a bit jealous when you talk to other guys. Now, jealousy doesn’t tend to occur when there are no feelings involved. If he gets jealous when you talk to other men, it’s highly likely to be a sign that he has feelings for you! When you tell him about potential ‘threats’ for him, he’ll find a way to say something that isn’t very convenient for the other guys you’re mentioning. He can become uneasy and might try to dodge that conversation because the thought of you with another guy becomes unbearable to a guy who likes you.

4. He displays affection physically

Men tend to use touch as a communication tool a bit more than women. Touch is quite important to them actually. He doesn’t move away when your knee touches his, and he seems to be okay with you invading his personal space. He even initiates touch. He’ll reach out for your hand, and lightly touch your arm, or your hair while you’re laughing together or randomly throughout the conversation. He’ll also hug you as often as he gets the chance to. That’s his way of getting closer to you. Touch is often used as a tool to break or melt a barrier between two people. If he’s touchy around you, it can indicate a telltale sign that he likes you.

5. He’s attentive and present when it comes to you

A guy who likes you will listen to you and what you say. He’ll pay attention to the details about you, and he’ll remember them. He’ll know what you like, what you don’t like, and what makes you giggle. He notices when you cut your bangs slightly shorter, notices your mood changes, or that thing you do with your nose when you laugh. Based on what he knows about you, he’ll try to link the common interests you two have. It’s an attempt to find similarities and connect with you further. He also puts effort into the conversations with you. He’ll try to make it engaging and interesting, ask questions, and make it fun and long-lasting. He initiates conversations in person or through text and is highly appreciative and engaging when you’re the one to do so. He remembers important dates, such as birthdays, or even your doctor’s appointments. He listens, he pays attention, and he’s fully present.

6. He found you on social media

When a guy likes you, you’re in his mind more often than you may think. And once you enter his mind, you better get ready for his attention! He’s likely to do a little bit of research on you, including finding you on social media and adding you as a friend or following you. He’ll follow you on your socials. Perhaps all your socials. If he isn’t the shy one, he’ll like your posts and be up to date when it comes to you posting something. Guys are unlikely to send a friend request or to follow a girl they have little to no interest in. And taking the initiative to start a conversation by sliding into your DMs can be quite an indicator that he likes you and is interested in getting to know you better.

7. When in a group of people, he’s only got eyes and ears for you

There are other people engaging in the conversation, but apparently, to this man, your opinions matter the most, and your laughter matters the most. He makes frequent eye contact and smiles when he sees you. It seems like the world freezes the moment he spots you inside the room. You can tell by his body language, how he looks at you, how he pays attention when you speak, how he looks at you to see if you’re laughing when he tells a joke… You notice he has a different approach to you when you compare it to the approach he has with other people: He does really like you.

8. He tries to find out whether you have a boyfriend or not

When a guy likes you and he knows little to nothing about you, he’ll try to explore more about you. What’ll start bugging and keeping his mind busy when he likes you is the uncertainty of your single status. That’s when he gets interested in knowing whether you’re involved with someone or not. He could ask you directly if you have a boyfriend or find sleek and smooth ways to find out on his own. Yes, the sleek and smooth, yet familiar, along the lines of “Would your boyfriend mind?” mid-sentence, or looking you up on social media.

9. He’s emotionally attracted to you

When a guy truly likes you, the attraction is completed with the emotional attraction as well. He doesn’t see you as a pleasant physical appearance only, he sees more than that in you when he likes you. He wants to know more about you, he asks thoughtful questions, and he shares about himself as well.Guys have a harder time talking and expressing themselves due to societal norms. “The nice things our partner does for us, those attentive little gestures, the sharing of projects in a spirit of collaboration—[…] are vulnerable acts”, says Esther Perel. Hence, him talking about himself, his vulnerable parts, and showing you care and affection is a pretty good sign that he likes you!

10. He introduces you to his friends and family

When he really really likes you, he’ll introduce you to his friends, or other people close to his heart. It’s the thought of “I’ve found someone amazing, I’ve got to show her to people who care for me!” He really likes you if he ‘shares you’ with the people he cares about and vice versa. On the other hand, he will ask about your family, friends, and hobbies as well. Generally, anything that gives him a clue of who you are. He’s smitten by you, of course, he’ll ask you about your family as well!

11. He compliments you frequently

Because his attention is directed at you when he likes you, he won’t help but be in awe of your beauty in and out.He’ll tell you how your eyes look pretty with that green scarf you wore today, or how interesting he finds your point of view on healthy friendships. He compliments you on your abilities, your mindset, your clothes, and on detail other people hardly notice! And you can genuinely tell he’s impressed by you/something you do: He’s in awe of things you do, say, things you present (including yourself).Keep in mind that not everyone is expressive… If he’s the shy guy, he might not pay you a compliment, but you might just tell by his facial expressions that he’s impressed and in awe when you’re around him.

12. You seem to be an important part of his plans

Another way to tell if a guy likes you is to take a look at the consistency within his actions and his way of committing to the connection. He shows consistency and commitment when he makes plans with you and follows through on the plans. He invites you to join him in activities and integrates you into his life and routine. You find yourself playing an important part in how he spends his time. That is shown through his effort and willingness to spend quality time with you.

13. He’s playful with you: there’s teasing and smiling

When a guy likes you, he’s likely to flirt with you and tease you in a playful manner. It is a way for him to test the waters and show his affection without being too blunt about it. But it’s also his way of showing you how fun he is to be around and hang out with. He tries to make you laugh, lightly provokes you to make you speak your mind, and lightly touches you to create positive tension and energy between you.

14. He wants and is aware of your attention

He’ll want to stand out, and get your attention; He wants you to see him, to see what he’s capable of, and just how awesome he is! When he says or does something, either interesting or embarrassing, he looks at you. That’s no coincidence, that’s him making sure you saw or heard the amazing thing he just did or said. You might also catch him making an effort to fix his appearance the moment he spots you looking at him. That’s because your attention matters to him. He’ll do his best on his hair, eyebrows, and appearance overall. He’ll wear the best shirts he owns (yes, all 3 of them) and he’ll save the best jokes he knows for he’s around you!

15. He gets joyful when you enter the room

You know he likes you when he’s just so happy to see you. When you’re attracted to a person their presence tends to have a positive effect on you due to the feel-good hormones released in your brain. He gets happy, joyful, and perhaps a little fun too. He can’t help the excitement once he knows you’re present. He lights up once he spots you in the room. When you like someone things also tend to get magnified. You just can’t help but see things bigger and funnier than they actually are. Again, it’s the feel-good hormones. There’s eye contact, there’s smiling, and even if nobody else laughs at your joke, he will.

16. Your presence affects him: He gets nervous

Different people have different ways of displaying attraction signs when they’re around someone they like. If your guy is reserved and isn’t as outgoing, he might get nervous in your presence. This is often one of the early dating signs that he likes you. He stutters, blushes, “It’s very hot in here, I’m taking my jacket off.”, looks at you quickly then looks the other way… His friends might also give him a type of look, talk to him a certain way they see you entering the room, or try to leave you two alone. Some guys pull it off pretty well, and some get nervous and shy. Both types have their own charm, don’t you think?

17. He’s caring & respectful toward you

You can tell a man likes you when he shows acts of thoughtfulness like getting you little gifts, helping you with your problems, and offering advice or support. That’s his way of being present, supportive, and protective of you. That’s him making himself a safe space for you. This can represent a sign of his willingness to be there for you and to be a supportive partner for you. He’s respectful towards you and your boundaries, and he doesn’t cross your limits.He will be honest and he won’t play games with someone he likes. He will be genuine, and won’t pretend. No mind games or lies.

18. He’s consistent with his contact and effort

When it comes to seeing you or contacting you through phone or text; he will be consistent. It’s clearly one of the most obvious signs a guy likes you. He texts you very frequently if not every day, calls you, or wants to see you as often as possible. Especially if you’re dating, he’ll plan dates and outings in a consistent manner. His effort might manifest in picking a nice place for a date or even in making the conversation more engaging.He’ll go out of his way to show you how joyful he can make you.

19. He actually slams the sign and almost breaks your nose with it: “I like you”

He tells you that he likes you. This is the most obvious one. Though it can be hardly believable if he says it in a playful manner, or in a way that makes it feel too random. On the other hand, when you don’t value yourself enough, you find it surprising when someone else does. That’s often because you don’t see the amazing qualities you have, which leaves you with a sense that the person is pretending to like something in you that doesn’t exist. It’s hard to believe it. Dating is already puzzling. It becomes a struggle once your insecurities interfere with your dating life. You’ve got someone to reach out to! Wanna know more about whether he likes you, watch it as a Youtube Video.

So, does he really like you?

Different people display affection and interpersonal attraction differently. Not everyone will show their interest based on a one-fits-all manner or script. Although tricky, understanding a man’s feelings and intentions can help you have a more appropriate approach to him, understand particular behaviors directed to you, and have a clearer view of where he’s standing within the connection. You can tell he likes you if he’s present, caring, respectful, and attentive towards you; he’s consistent in his effort and communication, and his body language is open and welcoming towards you. If he displays multiple of these signs then probably likes you a lot. On the other hand, you’ve got to consider multiple signs, not just one! If he likes you, he won’t be able to hide it for long, you’ll eventually find out. Trust. Me. And if you like him back, tell him for god’s sake! Sincerely, Callisto

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