Love for some is a scary feeling, for some, it’s exhilarating, for some it’s never been experienced before. He has his reasons for hiding it. However, there’s this one thing that exposes each one of us. It’s called subconscious. He’ll do things he’s not aware he’s doing, it’s your presence affecting him and triggering those actions he does without knowing he’s giving off his little secret. Here are 17 so obvious signs he loves you secretly:

1. He’s happy around you

His mood lighting up because of you is something unconscious that he does. He loves you secretly, consciously he doesn’t want you to find out, but his subconscious betrays him once you walk into the room. You become a source of joy to him, it’s what love is about.

2. He hates to see you sad

Your presence will affect him, your mood, your behavior will have a tremendous effect on him, his behavior, and his mood too. When a man loves you, you’ll be running through his head, you’ll be important to him, your happiness will be important to him. Though when a man is secretly in love with you will try to hold his sh*t together when he’s around you, he’ll lose it once he sees you sad or in poor condition. He’ll get caught.

3. He follows his words with actions

Since we’re looking for signs a man is in love with you secretly, we’re in search of more subconscious secret signs he loves you, right? Essentially, when he loves you he’ll want to be around you and won’t bear even the thought of losing you. Meaning, he’ll do anything to be present in your life as long as he can. Talking the talk & not walking the walk would be too risky for this man holding a pretty secret from you. He’ll do what he says he’ll do, he won’t risk losing you.

4. You feel the energy he gives: he’s loving, passionate, caring, and beyond

Keeping in mind that he’s not much into showing things obviously since he doesn’t want you to find out about his love for you for whatever reason behind this, he’ll be giving off things he doesn’t want to. He can’t help but be loving, passionate, caring, and beyond when he’s around your presence. He finds your presence beautiful, and he’ll reflect it through his behavior and the energy he radiates when you’re around.

5. He’s protective and doesn’t cause you harm

Your pain is his pain. He’d hate to cause you harm, it’d destroy him. He’ll do anything to protect you from harm and damage (whether that’s emotional or physical). You’ll notice his protective behavior through the little things he does and says around you. For example, he’ll stand up for you when someone offends you. He doesn’t have the cape, though you know what he is already.

6. He compromises – He can’t seem to see any flaw in you

A brain in love is blind to flaws. Judging you and criticizing you negatively is out of the picture when he loves you. Even though he secretly loves you he won’t be able to push the no-no buttons that cause you to feel bad. He compromises to see you happy and cheerful, or at least to avoid seeing you sad. He’ll give that last piece of chocolate, and that one last beer in his fridge.

7. He takes your opinions into consideration

He values you as a beautiful human being, so he’ll consider your opinions. He’ll listen and be present as you talk, whether that’s giving him advice, or simply expressing your opinion on cheesecakes. He’ll listen, he’ll consider your opinions, most importantly, he’ll value them.

8. Everyone around him has been giving hints

One of the easiest ways to know if a guy loves you secretly is to see his friends’ reactions and behavior when you’re around him. He’s keeping it a secret, and clearly, he’s not doing a good job at it since you’re here, he gave you the hints. The people around him will start acting a little suspicious when you’re around him. They’ll find excuses to leave you two alone, they’ll say something they shouldn’t have said like “Jack left the game so he could hang out with Stephanie.” You’ll notice, you’ll get the hints that according to this man, you’re not supposed to.

9. He’s committed

Commitment means time, effort, and energy poured into something/someone. One of the signs a man secretly loves you is commitment. He’ll pour that time, that effort, and that energy into whatever you two are building. Even if he’s a guy friend who secretly loves you, he’ll commit. He’ll try to solve problems, he’ll spend time with you, he’ll try.

10. He’s jealous

His subconscious will betray him once again. He won’t be able to hide the blush of jealousy when he finds out some guy approached you and gave you his number. Jealousy is part of our biological design, if you manage to escape it, well done on your journey of enlightenment, you’re close to being a god. He’ll get jealous, and he’ll be showing it whether he wants to or not; unless he’s done a good job on his journey of enlightenment and he’s close to becoming a god.

11. He can’t stop staring

Aha! You caught him once again. This subconscious is getting him into trouble. Honestly, it gets us all in trouble when we’re trying to keep a secret… His eyes will be glued to you; though, they’ll unglue once you catch him staring. But you’ll catch him pretty often. You don’t have oregano stuck on your front teeth every time you meet him, he’s just in love.

12. He helps you & gets you pretty gifts

You’ll be running through his head all day long. He’ll see something at the shop, it’ll remind him of you, and he’ll get it. When you’re happy you smile, right? You get happy when you get thoughtful gifts, right? He’ll want to see that smile, it’ll nourish his spirit with good energy, and it’ll give you more hints of the secret he’s keeping from you. He helps you whenever he can, and well, sometimes even when he can’t, he’ll give it a try. He’ll drive you two hours so that you don’t take the bus, and not because he’s “just doing you a favor”.

13. He’ll be a bit nervous whenever you’re around

You make him let his secret out without being conscious he’s giving off so many obvious signs. His fear of getting ‘caught’ might cause him a little nervousness, and sweaty palms. You can notice his voice shaking a little, looking away when you catch him staring, and this clumsiness. Opsie!

14. He’s always wanting to know more about you

His nervousness won’t stop him from asking you questions the first chance he gets. When he likes you as a person, he’ll want to know more and more; when he loves you though… When he loves you (even though secretly) he’ll want to know everything about you, he’ll remember what you tell him, yes, even the details.

15. He’s there with no hesitation

You need a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen and a person to understand and be there when you need someone to hear you, he’s there. He let you know that he’ll be there when you need him or when you call him. He’s in love, and he kind of can’t help but help you out whenever you need his presence.

16. You spend a lot of time together

When he’s in love, he’ll love your presence and what you represent, how you talk, how you laugh, and how you eat noodles. He’ll want more of your presence, and he’ll use every chance he gets to see you and be around you.

17. He kisses you some type of way when he loves you

You can tell he loves you through his kiss too. He’ll be gentle, caring, and will look at you pretty often. It doesn’t mean he kisses you with his eyes open, that’s not… It means he’ll kiss you, and then he’ll have a moment to look at you and cherish who he’s kissing. It’ll be passionate, and different.

Signs he loves you secretly through text

When he likes you he’ll show it through text, let alone when he’s head over heels for you.  Here are a few signs he loves you secretly that he shows through text:

He texts you every day, or if not every day, he texts you very often.

He makes an effort to make the text conversation longer.

He sends you gifs, songs, and funny messages.

He asks emotional questions rather than dull ones.He doesn’t take too many hours to reply.He asks about your day, texts you good morning and good night.

Why would he want to keep such a beautiful thing a secret?

Love is a beautiful feeling, but it can also be trapping if you’re in a certain situation. We have standards of what’s morally right and what’s morally wrong, we have the past that leaves its marks on each of us and a lot of other things that could go in the way of a beautiful confession. Here are a few reasons he’s keeping his love a secret from you: – He’s scared of his strong feelings. When he’s scared of his feelings, he’ll try to keep them a secret. It could be something in the past that hurt him or the way he perceives love. – It’s the beginning of the relationship and he’s afraid he might rush things too early. An “I love you” at the very beginning of a relationship can scare one or the other away. It’s often the reason why so many people keep it to themselves for a while, they keep it a secret so that they don’t disturb what’s building the connection. – The situation between you two is complicated. An ex in the background or a best friend that’s also in love with you could complicate the situation for him to not be able to express himself. In this case, it’s an external factor and not something that comes from within him. – He’s in a relationship. He could be your friend, your coworker, your boss, anyone really. You two meet perhaps often, and he fell for you too. He’ll restrain himself from taking action because he’s in a relationship with someone else he probably loves too. – You’re in a relationship. He won’t mess it up for you, nor for himself to interfere in your relationship and try to woo you out of it. Even though the cheating statistics show that 60% of men try to woo someone out of a relationship, this might not be the case for this man. – He’s afraid it’ll ruin your friendship. You’re good friends, but he likes you more than a friend, he loves you. The fear of ruining what you’ve built and the connection you have will make him keep his romantic love a secret from you. – He’s scared of commitment. “I love you” needs to be backed up with action, time, effort, and energy. When one is scared of commitment, the word will scare them too. This guy could be scared of commitment and he knows the weight of the words, or he’s just not ready for commitment. – He’s never said the word “I love you” before. He’s unsure of the outcome. He’s not ready to say it yet, he needs time. It’s normal, and it’s often common. The ice eventually melts and he’ll slowly learn to verbally express his love for you. Give it some time.

Conclusion – He loves you secretly when…

We can’t hide much from each other. Especially when we’re physically present, and in each other’s company very often. When he loves you secretly he’s kind, he can’t bear the thought of you being unhappy, he’ll commit to your joy, he’ll be a tad nervous, and a tad jealous. He might hide it well, but his body and behavior will eventually betray him and expose his little secret: he loves you. Sincerely, Callisto

17 obvious signs he loves you secretly   Everyone knows already  - 8317 obvious signs he loves you secretly   Everyone knows already  - 3917 obvious signs he loves you secretly   Everyone knows already  - 117 obvious signs he loves you secretly   Everyone knows already  - 1317 obvious signs he loves you secretly   Everyone knows already  - 1117 obvious signs he loves you secretly   Everyone knows already  - 3317 obvious signs he loves you secretly   Everyone knows already  - 2617 obvious signs he loves you secretly   Everyone knows already  - 2117 obvious signs he loves you secretly   Everyone knows already  - 5117 obvious signs he loves you secretly   Everyone knows already  - 55