When you kiss a guy there can be a million things in his head. What is a guy thinking about when he kisses you? Have you ever kissed a guy, and his response was negative? Even worse is if you make out with a guy whose response is uncertain. It may leave you wondering. Well, fret no more. The simple explanation could be that he is nervous and not sure how to respond. ‘Have you ever thought ‘What do guys think about when making out?’ or ‘How do guys feel after kissing a girl?’ Well, keep reading and we’ll explain it all.

15 Things What a Guy is Thinking When He Kisses You For the First Time

What is your guy thinking when he kisses you. When you kiss a guy, he could be thinking about billions of things. Does he smell good? Are his teeth white and presentable? So many things can run through his mind. Here are 15 things that a guy is thinking when he kisses you.


For instance, you and a guy go out on several dates but have never kissed before. On the next date, you both make out. In his mind, he is thinking, at last, he got to kiss you. Men usually pursue women. When the work they put in to get with the person they want pays off, it is a beautiful feeling. If your ex still has feelings for you, they’ll give you plenty of signs such as you are still on their social media, they ask mutual friends questions about you, or he/she keeps bringing up things from the past. Reading Suggestion: Why Do Guys Kiss With Their Eyes Open?

#2 Oh No! Here We Go Again

Let’s say you are his ex, and he came for closure or to talk. If he finds himself kissing you, this could be the thought going through his head. Kissing doesn’t always mean that two people are happy or in love. Sometimes in the heat of the moment, things happen. Kissing can be challenging to control, especially if one party pushes for it.  It could be that he has a new girlfriend, and the guilt of his cheating runs through his head. His response may be one of regret, and he may even back away from kissing you. If he does this, it could be because his conscience caught up with him.

#3 I Want to Have Sex with Her

He is thinking of moving from kissing you to being more intimate. His mind is running through what he can say or do to lead the kissing into much more. Has that ever happened to you? Then it’s likely you know that some men get aroused by kissing. If he does this, then that means that his mind is full of the thought of having sex with you.  You have to be careful with men who think about having sex the instant you kiss them, especially on the first date. According to one of the other articles on our blog (What His Kiss Says About How He Feels About You),

#4 Is She Enjoying This as Much as I Am?

He may wonder if he is pleasing you the same way you are pleasing him. Also, he may think of ways to improve the kiss so you can enjoy it even more. According to Insider.com, So he may look for or ask for feedback on your enjoyment. Reading Suggestion: 15 Warning Signs of a Player

#5 Wow! She Has Bad Breath!

According to Gamingsection.com, Yet, as passionate and romantic as it sounds, it’s not always like that. He may find your breath troubling. Did you eat something that would cause funky breath? Or is it morning breath? He might bring it up to you after or even in the middle of the making-out. Some men never say anything, but their facial expression says it all. If your ex still has feelings for you, they’ll give you plenty of signs such as you are still on their social media, they ask mutual friends questions about you, or he/she keeps bringing up things from the past. Reading Suggestion: When a Guy Has a Crush On You He Always Says These Words

#6 Did I Remember to Brush My Teeth?

“Is my breath okay?” is something that a man may think about when making out with a woman. Men, as well as women, think about this. They do not want to make the person they’re kissing disgusted by their breath. For instance, you and this guy go out on a date, and he ate garlic bread. After the date, he is hesitant to kiss you because of that. It is not that he doesn’t want to. It is just that he doesn’t want his first kiss with you to be garlic-flavored.

#7 How Much Tongue? 

He may be thinking about how many tongue movements he should give. So, what’s crossing his mind is, how much is too much tongue? In fact, he may let you lead the kiss so that he doesn’t overstep his boundaries. He might wonder if you like tongue or how passionate a kiss he should give. According to Eharmony.com

#8 What Should I Do With my Hands?

Many people ponder the question “what to do with my hands” when making out with someone. Kissing can be awkward if your hands are not in the right place. Ever been in the middle of kissing a guy, and he seems stiff or nervous? It could very well be that he is unsure what to do with his hands. Sometimes men are uncertain of what to do with their hands while kissing.  So, if your guy seems a little awkward, it could be because of how recently he met you or started dating. Reading Suggestion: 40 Nice Things To Say To Your Ex To Get Him Back He may not want to overstep boundaries. If you and this guy have been together for a long time, this shouldn’t be a problem. He should already know how to hold you.  Many women take the poor hand coordination to mean that the guy is uncomfortable kissing them. If you notice him being weird about intimate physical contact with you, ask him what is wrong. 

#9 How Long Should the Kiss Last?

Your guy may wonder how long to keep the kiss going. At what point do you know that the kissing should be over? Usually, men have more urge to kiss as long as they can. This is because men are generally more sexual and physical and have a higher sex drive. 

#10 She is So Good at It

You are a great kisser, and he notices it. While kissing, he is thinking how awesome of a kisser you are. You may see that he has to try to keep up with you, or after kissing, he is in a daze. He might even talk about how great of a kisser you are. Rebecca Stokes of FromYourTango.com quoted a guy’s response to a kissing session that he still remembers.

#11 Am I Doing It Right?

Wondering if you are kissing the right way can be a common thought when in the act of doing so. One wrong move can ruin the whole mood. If it is the guy’s first time making out with, thoughts like As lame as it sounds but it made me feel appreciated and loved/liked more than any tongue action could.” He may analyze your kissing strategy or notice what you like. Then he might make adjustments next time you guys kiss. If he is a fast learner, he may catch on when you first make out. If your ex still has feelings for you, they’ll give you plenty of signs such as you are still on their social media, they ask mutual friends questions about you, or he/she keeps bringing up things from the past. Reading Suggestion: What His Kiss Says About How He Feels About You

#12 She Smells Good

How you smell can determine how attractive you are. For instance, you and a guy are making out, but you forgot to apply deodorant and perfume. How would you have felt if were him instead of you? A funky smell could be a turn-off for a guy you’re just getting to know. But, if you smell very pleasing, it could be the reason that things end up going further than only a kiss.

#13 Wow, This is Amazing

No one has ever kissed him the way you do, so he is thinking about how great of a kisser you are. For instance, you are French kissing a guy, and he stops you and tells you how amazing you’re doing. Or, afterward, he may ask you how you did that with your tongue. Your kissing style amuses him and leaves him wanting more.

#14 When Should I Stop Kissing?

At what point should he stop kissing? This is a thought that appears in any respectable guy’s mind. So often, men allow women to lead the kiss so they can’t get offended. Yet, many women like men to take the lead and be dominant. If you have not been dating very long, he might not know your kissing style or what you like. So if you both like each other and want to be serious, the kissing part will get better over time. Reading Suggestion: 13 Reasons Why Guys Don’t Call When They Like You

#15 Does This Mean She Likes Me?

These are some of the common questions that run through a guy’s head when kissing. This thought process is even more likely if you’ve been leading him on or playing hard to get.  A passionate kiss can make a guy feel like a girl is into him, especially if the girl is leading the kissing session. Most men think it’s because the woman is in love with them when it isn’t always so. If your ex still has feelings for you, they’ll give you plenty of signs such as you are still on their social media, they ask mutual friends questions about you, or he/she keeps bringing up things from the past. Reading Suggestion: How To Tell If a Guy Likes Kissing You?

How to Know if He Enjoyed the Kiss?

How do you tell if a guy enjoys kissing you? What are some signs that can show that he found your lips unforgettable? His facial expression after the kiss can tell you a lot. It can tell you if he wasn’t comfortable kissing you or if you made his dreams come true. So how to know if he enjoyed the kiss? Here are some signs that can show you if he wanted the kiss.

He cannot stop smiling

You notice that after your French kiss make-out session, he can’t stop smiling. If he acts in this way, then it’s clear that he enjoyed that kiss. You made his day with your kiss, and he finds you even more attractive. The guy is smiling because he knows that you are a keeper.

He’s touchy-feely

He can’t keep his hands off you. After the kiss, he is all over you. It could be the heat of the moment, but even so, if he is touchy with you after kissing you, then that kiss was enjoyable to him. Is he even more interested and intimate with you after French kissing? Then it is most likely because he enjoyed it.

He invites you over to his place

This is an excellent sign that the kiss was enjoyable to him. Inviting you to come over means that he wants to go beyond kissing. If the kiss wasn’t good, then he may want to leave right away by making up an excuse. Men are easy to read when it comes to sex. They make it obvious even by trying not to.

He wants to do it again

“Let’s do it again.” Did he lean in for another kiss? Then he enjoyed the first one. This may be the most apparent sign because if it was not enjoyable, why would he want another? If your ex still has feelings for you, they’ll give you plenty of signs such as you are still on their social media, they ask mutual friends questions about you, or he/she keeps bringing up things from the past. Reading Suggestion: 160 Good Morning Messages To Make Him Smile Why does a guy want to kiss you again and again? Remember, a person will only want more of what they like. So is the distance with you? If he doesn’t talk to you as often as before you first kissed him, he may not have enjoyed the experience.

He tells you he enjoyed kissing you

This may be the safest, most reasonable way to know if he enjoyed it. Sometimes men joke about things, but it reflects how they feel. He may not even tell you he enjoyed the kiss, but he might say something like, “Your lips are so soft” or “you are a great kisser.” It doesn’t matter if he jokes around. It means he enjoyed himself.

He is more serious about you

It could be that he realizes that you are a ten out of ten, especially when it comes to kissing. So he wants to pursue you and may even want to be in a relationship with you. Many men start dating a woman who has something they like that no other woman has. If you are a hell of a good kisser, a man will find that very attractive.

Calls and messages you more often

You and a guy started dating and but haven’t yet kissed. He would rarely message or call you. Then you kiss him, and now he blows up your phone nonstop. Now you’re confused about why he was doing this when he didn’t before.  That kiss could lead him to realize that he is into you. He finds you more attractive because the feelings are mutual. Yet, it could also be that he liked the make-out session you both had and wants to take it further. Knowing his intentions can be a great way to avoid him using you. 

He becomes a more affectionate person 

Many guys tend not to show affection because it makes them look weak. He may act tough in front of you to show his manliness, but after that unforgettable kiss, he changes. He wants to kiss you more often and hold hands because of that kiss. Did he lack affection before you made out? Did his whole mindset change afterward? Then tell yourself that kiss was legendary. If your ex still has feelings for you, they’ll give you plenty of signs such as you are still on their social media, they ask mutual friends questions about you, or he/she keeps bringing up things from the past. Reading Suggestion: What Makes a Women Memorable To a Man?

He gets an erection

You can see it when a man gets aroused. He may try to cover it up by grabbing his crotch, so look out for that. If he presses his body against you and you feel it getting hard, then it is because he is being aroused by your kiss.

He compliments you a lot

According to studies, after kissing a woman, a man sees them as more attractive. That is if the kiss went well. So, if he compliments you a lot after kissing you, that is a good sign that he enjoyed the kiss. 

7 Signs the Kiss Meant Something to Him

What does a kiss mean to a man? Well, it can mean different things. For some men, it can mean that the guy has a girlfriend now, whereas, for others, it could mean something different. It all depends on the situation and why he is being kissed. Here are some signs that the kiss meant something to him.

#1 You are his girlfriend and not some random girl

A random girl walks up and gives your man a kiss. If he is a good fellow, his response would be different from if he got a kiss from you. This is because he has a connection with you and not the random girl.

#2 It’s his favorite type of kiss

It is a meaningful kiss when you do his favorite type of kiss. For instance, if he likes French kisses and you give him a kiss on the cheek, then it might not mean as much. It makes him even more excited because he is more comfortable or good at that kiss.

#3 He has been pursuing you for a while

You would know the kiss meant something to him when he has been chasing you for a long time. If the kiss wasn’t easy to come by, it is treasurable. 

#4 He blushes after he kisses you

If the kiss meant something to him, his face would show it, regardless of his thug demeanor. He may smile or look at you so in love. If he is cold toward you after kissing, he is not in love with you. If your kiss is not meaningful to him, then that means he sees you as an option.

#5 He stares at you longer than usual

You noticed that he could not keep his eyes off you ever since he kissed your lips. He looks at you in a different, more sexual way. He may feel comfortable flirting more because he realizes that you find interest in him.

#6 You kiss him the right places

It becomes more enjoyable and meaningful when you kiss him on his favorite spot. For example, the guy you are in a relationship with likes kisses on the shoulders. So when you kiss him there, it means more to him. 

#7 He has not seen you for a while

It could be that you guys are a long-distance couple or simple as he hasn’t seen you for the whole day. Whatever it is, the kiss is extra memorable and meaningful to him because of it. Many couples end up in long-distance relationships because of studies or career choices. It can be challenging because that physical affection isn’t available anytime they need it If your ex still has feelings for you, they’ll give you plenty of signs such as you are still on their social media, they ask mutual friends questions about you, or he/she keeps bringing up things from the past. Reading Suggestion: Why Do Guys Hook Up With The Same Girl?

How Do Guys Feel After Kissing a Girl?

Guys usually feel accomplished after kissing the opposite sex. Especially one that they like and have been pursuing. Men have proven to be the more sexual creatures. According to Healthline.com According to Bustle.com,  So if he is enjoying kissing you, then he likes the bond he has with you, and it’s not only sexual. A lot of men go behind women only to hook up and leave. Kissing the person means nothing to them because they don’t have that physical bond.” Have you found a guy who values your affection and loves your feminine touch? Then consider yourself blessed. If your ex still has feelings for you, they’ll give you plenty of signs such as you are still on their social media, they ask mutual friends questions about you, or he/she keeps bringing up things from the past. Reading Suggestion: Don’t Text Him And He Will Text You

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