It’s worse when he makes you feel alive and dead at the same time. True, everyone can have ups and downs in a relationship or while dating. Maybe he is uncertain about his feelings and your situation. Nevertheless, the most important thing is if your date, boyfriend, or husband is willing to work on those feelings. A man that loves you would want to enjoy your presence. He craves your attention and wants to spend more time alone with you. When he loses interest, these qualities will decrease within some time. Here are 13 classic signs he is losing interest:

1. He instills in you negative thoughts about the relationship

When a guy doesn’t love you anymore and is losing interest, he tries to disconnect with you. Everyone has a different way to show disinterest in their date or partner. One of the signs that he is losing interest is when he tries to create negative thoughts about the relationship. He instills in you those thoughts in different forms.

  1. He might belittle you so you will think you’re not enough for him.
  2. He might do everything to be the worst man for you, so you can let him go.
  3. He might argue every day and explain that the relationship isn’t working. In this case, he will not seek ways to work it out. These are only some of the techniques that he might use to create a distance with you. Mostly men that aren’t able to talk or work on their feelings, will choose this type of shortcut.

2. It takes a lot of time for him to reply

Texting is a complicated game and sometimes can send mixed vibes. When a guy replies late, it can mean a lot of things. He might be busy, he not might be a good texter, or he just doesn’t want to reply. Either way, to find out if he is losing interest through text, you can take a closer look at his texting style. You can notice that the conversations are dull. He sends only short replies. You do more the talking than he does. One thing to point out is that this depends on his personality too. Hence, if he changes his texting habit suddenly, then he’s losing interest.

3. He doesn’t initiate texts or even calls

One of the most fundamental signs that a guy is losing interest is slowly starting to not call or text first. If he used to call in the morning or to check on you during the days but now stops it, this is a bad sign. If a guy is interested in you, he would try to check up on you often.  When he never does that and you’re the only one to initiate the calls or texts, he is losing interest. A romantic feeling or relationship is based on love, compassion, caring, and harmony. When someone ignores the penultimate elements then you’re not his priority.

4. Conversations are dull and meaningless

It isn’t quite unusual if relationships get boring from time to time.  It depends on the relationship what makes it boring and what your partner or you might find as boring. Sometimes it starts with the lack of sexual interest and then it reflects on the conversations that you have. He starts to interact less with you and when you talk, he doesn’t listen. You feel like your boyfriend is losing interest. Yes, he might but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you.  You might just seem disconnected from the feeling of what made him fall in love or like you. If the relationship becomes a routine and nothing is exciting, some type of distance will be created. He won’t participate in the conversation and will reply only with a simple yes or a no. This is a surefire sign if only he constantly doesn’t seem to be engaged in the conversation. Otherwise, a partner might have certain periods when he wants to be left alone and he pulls away for some time.

5. He doesn’t put much effort into the relationship

This is one of the basic signs your boyfriend or husband is losing interest.  When a partner doesn’t make the same effort as you, that’s quite frustrating. He might do the bare minimum for the relationship for different reasons.  That’s acceptable for someone and others not.  However, when a guy is losing interest in you he would not make an effort to make things work.

Instead, you’re not his priority anymore;

He doesn’t want you to hang out with his friends/family or vice versa;

He doesn’t give you the needed attention;

He doesn’t transmit the same emotions as you;

He cancels plans quite often;

6. Your sex life has changed drastically

You might have had a great intimate relationship with your boyfriend or a partner. However, for some time you have been lacking physical touch or even physical intimacy. When a guy loses interest in you, he will never initiate talks about physical intimacy. He will never initiate to be near you as before. Even if you are the one who tries to get closer to him, he will decline your approach.  In this case, he will use any type of excuse to avoid interaction. Sometimes when someone doesn’t feel the same about you it is hard to have a physical interaction with you.

7. He stops being emotionally attracted to you

When a man is emotionally attracted to you, he would not be interested only in physical intimacy. If he’s losing interest in you, he would be interested only in having sex but not being emotionally connected. You might notice if he is truly losing interest in you once he stops being vulnerable with you. He has stopped sharing personal information with you and doesn’t seem to open up. When a man is interested in you he pours his heart out to you. He wants to get to know you more. He wouldn’t want to create any type of boundaries between you two.

8. He is constantly making excuses not to meet you

Canceling plans here and there is not a big deal.  It becomes a big deal if he constantly tries to find excuses to cancel plans.  If he doesn’t plan dates and doesn’t try to spend more time with you, he’s losing interest. When a guy doesn’t plan dates from the beginning then he might be either a player or not used to this kind of thing. Either way, if he isn’t enthusiastic to spend more time with you and avoids you constantly, he’s losing interest. Don’t panic if it happens two cancel two or three times in a row because it’s something that happens. Before stressing out and asking is he really busy or just losing interest, look at the reasons he gives you. If he cancels plans multiple times and without any good explanation, he is distancing himself.

9. You go quick from a lover to a friend

When a guy starts to go from a lover to a friend, it means that there will be a lack of physical and emotional connection. A guy decided to treat you like a friend if he isn’t interested in you either sexually or emotionally. When a guy sees you like a friend he will take a step forward and create some boundaries. This is his way of creating some type of wall between you too. It doesn’t mean that you annoy him or that he doesn’t appreciate you. It’s just he isn’t able to be romantically included with you. This can happen in any type of relationship, no matter if it’s romantic or platonic.

10. Your presence or habits annoy him

How to tell that your boyfriend is losing interest? You can tell that your boyfriend is losing interest if you try to annoy him. It’s just the little things that make the difference. You may notice that his behavior changes gradually. Things that didn’t annoy him before, annoy him now. He might have found cute some traits of you just like talking too much or being clumsy. Now everything that you do seems to be frustrating for him. Additionally, he uses these little things that annoy him to create fights. If he constantly argues without any good reason then he’s losing interest. Using these ‘reasons” as bait, he just wants to create a path to be distant

11. He avoids listening to your problems/daily routine

One of the core traits of a good relationship is mutual understanding. If gradually or constantly he starts to not be attentive and curious about you, something is up. This situation might be tricky at times. He might have a couple of bad days and his mind might be wandering. On the contrary, if he is attentive to his friends and other people, then he isn’t just interested in listening to you. To be more specific, ask yourself if he contributes to the conversation too. When a man is attentive and has a great interest, he will share similar experiences with you. In this case, he would ask questions or give you any type of advice. You might say that maybe it depends on his personality.  Yes, that’s true but even when he isn’t good at communicating he will try to listen to you at least.

12. He talks about other women in front of you

This one is an indirect sign a guy is losing interest. Sometimes you might take it as a sign that he wants to make you jealous. You need to pay attention to the way he says it and what he mentions. If he is excited to talk about other women and not in a fake way, his romantic feelings might be drifting away To make this point more clear, look at how he reacts if you mention other men. If you bring up someone from your past and he isn’t curious or doesn’t get jealous, he isn’t that interested. When a man is interested in you, he might talk about other women just to tease you a bit. He wouldn’t romantically talk about them and he wouldn’t belittle you at all.

13. He prefers to spend time in a group than alone with you

If a guy is losing interest or is not interested in you, he wouldn’t initiate one on one dates. Instead, he would search for ways to hang out in a group. If he wants to just keep you around or just be friends, he would ask you to hang out in a group. When a guy is interested in you, he wants to spend more time with you.  If your boyfriend suddenly has this type of behavior, he has some signs that show a lack of interest.

doesn’t initiate any dates;doesn’t ask you to hang out alone;Wants to hang out with you only with his friend;

This behavior can indeed be a result of multiple reasons.  One of the reasons can be uncertainty or he might be hurt by your actions. Hence, lack of interest is one of them.

Is he losing interest or just being stressed?

Many times you might ask yourself is he busy or stressed or is he losing interest? These three terms can be interchangeably used and might send mixed signs.

  1. When a guy is busy or stressed, he will let you know about the distance. I may say that to some extent he will show other signs that he still cares about you. Nowadays, is quite easy to get burnout in relationships or even at work. You get overwhelmed and feel uncertain. If he loses interest, he would not bother to initiate conversations or even give an explanation.
  2. His behavior changed suddenly and he is cold and distant for some time now. When his behavior changes suddenly, his replies are short, and then he stops texting, he’s losing interest. When a guy is stressed, yes, his behavior might change suddenly. Hence, this might not happen for a long period. When he is stressed for a period, he will try to recover from it. It will last some days, weeks, or even for some short months. Still, he would never go cold-hearted on you.
  3. He gives you some lame excuses when he cancels plans. If a guy is stressed or busy, he would still give you a decent reason why he is doing it. When a guy is losing interest, he would cancel plans at the last minute and without explaining himself much.
  4. He cancels plans with you but manages somehow to hang out with others. If he makes time for others and cancels plans with you, he isn’t busy or stressed. I am sorry to be straightforward, but when he hangs out with others constantly, then he’s avoiding you.
  5. Try to communicate with him if the signs are confusing you.  If you want to create or continue a healthy relationship, communication is the key. There might be a few reasons or circumstances that created this type of “distance”. To solve it, go and ask him a few questions about how he feels right now about you.  If something is bothering him, then show that you can solve it together. He might feel that the relationship is progressing faster or he is afraid of commitment and just needs some time. Either way, it’s better to show compassion at this time. It will help you and him. Otherwise, depending on your situation you might need extra help. The relationship coaches will help you to understand these issues on a deeper level. Remember talking and addressing the issues will help you understand his issues.

What to do when he’s losing interest?

When a guy is losing interest, the first thing that you should do is avoid panicking. I understand that this situation can be quite confusing and overwhelming, but try to be calm. Know that in relationships, there is a time when the spark might slowly dim for some time. This can happen because of work-loaded life or one partner being more dominant than the other. Nevertheless, there are a few techniques you can pull out of your sleeve to turn the ship around.

  1. Try to pin the issue down. In every situation, you should reflect on your behavior too. Look if you did something to hurt him or even at some point you stopped caring about him. Most of the time, you might be caught in the loop of life and not notice the mistakes you do. This is quite common because everyone at some point in their lives will stop reflecting. The only solution is to take a step back and reflect on the whole situation.
  2. Discuss with them their intentions towards you. If you have been together for some time, it’s not unusual to talk about your relationship intentions. Check if he wants to date you exclusively and is interested to enhance the relationship. Otherwise, if he enters a relationship or shows interest just to fulfill themselves, he will lose interest at some point.
  3. Focus on yourself and give him some space. During this time it’s better to not put pressure on him too.  Try to be distant for some time, s long as you think he will need to reflect. During this time try to not focus on him too much. Try to enhance yourself in every realm. Hang out with new people, go and try new hobbies. Do everything that will give you a new perspective on life and relationship.

The main idea: Signs a guy is losing interest…

One of the basic signs that a guy is losing interest in you is creating a wall between you and him. Distance is a sign of no interest, no matter in what circumstances that is created. The distance can mean anything. From him not complimenting you, replying late, canceling plans through text, or even stopping texting. What causes the lack of interest is the way how the relationship started and how it developed. In this situation, try to stay calm first. It’s better to try and understand his needs and focus on yourself at the same time. Take care, Callisto

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