At times it only takes a simple spark, and there begins the wonderful journey of a wonderful connection completed with emotions and feelings. Men and women manifest emotional attraction slightly differently. Men are already a bit difficult to comprehend, especially when dating. Each of us is built and grown differently, that’s why the signs are general and they apply to most men. So, let’s waste no more words and time! Here are 11 signs a man is emotionally attracted to you:

1. He’s eager for your opinions

You can tell if a man is emotionally attracted to you by the way he treats you, on the way he reacts to your opinions and thoughts. He sees more than just a beautiful body and face. He’s attracted to what you represent as a personality, to your mind, your opinions, your views on the world. When he’s emotionally attracted to you he’s genuinely curious about your opinions on even the most random things. Emotional attraction goes beyond superficial, it requires depth. He’s into you emotionally, he’s into your opinions, your thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. At the very least, he’s curious about them.

2. He’s attentive

He pays attention, his body language communicates his attraction, he’s genuinely present with you. When it comes to emotional attraction, it reflects on the conversations, on the presence, and the attentiveness he brings in. Romantically speaking, he’s physically attracted to you too making it a connection with potential to lead to a sexual attraction too. His attentiveness reflects on the sex life too, even through his way of kissing. He gets you-gets you, he pays attention, he ‘feels’ you.

3. He understands and hears you as a person

When there’s an emotional connection and bond between two people, there’s also understanding and hearing between both of them. In this case, he understands you and hears you as a person, what you present, what you are as a being. When he’s in this stage it is most likely that he caught feelings, he’s accepting of your so-called flaws, your so-called imperfections, perfections, and everything that comes with you.

He knows exactly what you’re talking about, he understands.You feel seen and heard in his presence.He’s a safe space when it comes to you expressing yourself.

4. Your conversations are long

When you two talk, time seems to fly by. Of course, if the emotional attraction is mutual. A very obvious sign that he’s emotionally attracted to you is his ability to continue conversations, his ability to listen to you, and his ability to express himself to you. With such a connection and attraction, conversations flow naturally without any of you having to force a word to fill the silence. You find each other in each other, or at least you understand and accept each other. Hence the ability to have long conversations that last for hours without recognizing the time to go by…

5. He lets you know of his attraction to your beyond-physical values

In one way or another, he proved that he’s in for more than sex. Perhaps he told you, or his behavior towards you is obvious enough for you to understand that he’s seeing your values that are more than physical. He lets you know of his attraction to your personality through compliments on your non-physical qualities (e.g. your way of seeing the world as a whole), his admiration for a particular trait of your personality, etc.

He compliments your personality.He told you he likes to listen to your opinions.He’s not all about sex. 

6. He’s a safe space for your vulnerability

Since he understands you and is attracted to your personality, he’ll make sure that he’s a safe space where you can show vulnerability, where you feel comfortable with your ‘weaknesses’. It’s a sign of his emotional attraction because it shows he cares about your feelings, about how you perceive his presence, and how his presence affects you. He’s attracted to you emotionally, he cares about your emotional state. He cares enough to create a safe space in which you don’t feel threatened, in which you feel heard and understood emotionally.

You feel accepted and safe in his presence.You feel free to share everything with him.You know he’s not going to take advantage of your vulnerability.

7. His contact with you is consistent

He doesn’t give you calls only when he needs something from you (e.g. sex). He gives you calls, or texts you consistently. He checks in on you to make sure you’re well whenever you’re sick, he asks about your day, about your health. He doesn’t disappear out of anywhere. This is due to his sensitivity when it comes to you. You’re now important to him. Your happiness is his happiness.

He’s supportive.He can’t seem to get enough of you.He’s not tired of contacting you so often, he texts you in a consistent manner.

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8. He notices your mood changes

Since he’s very affected by your presence, he’ll notice the slightest changes in your mood. Your mood and emotional state affect his as well. Due to his consideration of you and your feelings he won’t help but notice whenever there’s something off. Even if you’re not open about it, even if you’re trying to hide it, he’ll notice. It’s not necessarily when there’s something off. He’ll notice when you’re happy too. The point is, he’ll be attentive to your expression of your feelings, he pays attention to you so he’ll get familiar and sensitive to your presence.

Your mood affects his.He’s protective.He tries to help you whenever you’re feeling down.

9. He opens up to you

One of the signs of deep attraction is emotional attraction, emotional bonding, and connecting. When he opens up to you, sharing stories about himself (e.g. childhood stories, sensitive stories, etc.), he’s feeling emotionally safe to do so. When you represent a safe space for him to be vulnerable and open up, it means he’s sensing something more than physical, he’s sensing safety and care.

He shares sensitive personal stories.He opens up about things he didn’t open up with other people about.He’s willing to be vulnerable around you.

10. He tries to work things out

Emotional connection often comes with the ‘emotional attachment’, meaning he’s not willing to let go of you. He doesn’t run off once things start to get difficult in the relationship. Relationships, of course, aren’t always flowery and pretty; They have downs and lows too. If he’s emotionally attracted to you, he’ll try to work things out, he’ll stay even when things are ugly. When he’s emotionally attracted to you, he’ll stick around through hard times too, he’ll stick around when things aren’t pretty, he’ll do his part to work things out. Note: if the relationship turns toxic, or even abusive, he, you, or anyone exposed to such behavior has every right to leave the relationship.

11. There’s no pressure when it comes to sex

He’s considerate of your feelings, and he can get enough by just spending time with you. You’re both ok with long conversations, while sex is also important in the relationship, it completes it. He’s not disrespectful, especially when it comes to this area. His emotional connection to you reflects on your sex life too. He won’t pressure you into something that can wait: sex. Not to misunderstand, sexual intimacy is very important in a relationship too. But when he’s attracted to you not just as a body only, sex won’t be his main focus. He enjoys your mind, your presence, whether that’s intellectual or sexual, he’s there for it.

What is emotional attraction, specifically, in a man?

Emotional attraction in a man is an attraction that goes in-depth, beyond superficial: Attraction to personality, to the way of talking, way of thinking, opinions, ways of expression, ways of carrying yourself, and so on. For emotional attraction to build up, it takes time and a little space. So, often you need to give time and a bit of space to a guy/man for him to start feeling emotional attraction. This type of attraction is manifested through the signs I mentioned above in this article, such as:

Eagerness for your opinions;Long conversations;Representing a safe space for your vulnerability;Noticing small changes in your mood/emotional state;

Emotional attraction is a wonderful thing to experience, especially if it is reciprocated, and if it is mutual. He sees beyond your pretty eyes and hears beyond your pretty tone of voice. He sees you, and hears you as a person, as a being, as a beautiful personality.

What is it that triggers emotional attraction in a man?

Men and women, though the same species, are wired a bit differently. However, that doesn’t imply that all men think the same, process things the same. In fact, assuming so would be absurd. So, how do you exactly emotionally hook a man? Childhood, social environment, and a lot of other factors play very important roles when it comes to a man’s perception of what’s emotionally attractive and what’s not. However, there are a few generals that trigger emotional attraction in men: – Being unapologetically yourself. This is a sign of confidence, and it sparks curiosity, affection, and emotional attraction. Though you might not attract exactly who you want, you’ll surely attract another unapologetically self that’s confident and not afraid of what he represents as a person. – Not trying to impress him. Whenever women try to impress a man, they start turning into something different other than themselves. It leads them into looking desperate for attention. While not trying to impress him you show confidence and self-love, you trigger him to be curious about you. The more he explores, the more he gets emotionally attracted to you. – Being there for him. This is a behavior that ticks a very primitive need we all have: comfort. You trigger his emotional side, showing that you’re giving, sharing, and loving. – Good sex. One may lead to the other. However, sex can be a very bonding experience. ‘Good’ sex differs depending on your and his preferences. However, if your standards of ‘good’ are mutual then it’ll most likely trigger emotional attraction. – Smartness and intelligence. This is yet another general term. You can be intelligent and smart in different areas. Intelligence and smartness represent power, they erect curiosity, and most definitely trigger emotional attraction. The looks eventually wear out, the make-up wipes off, but your way of seeing, expressing, knowing things are the ones sticking around long-term. Those are much more likely to be linked with emotional triggers such as emotional attraction.

Conclusion – All about emotional attraction in a man

Although different to comprehend, men are comprehensible, right? They’ve got their ways of expressing attraction, connection, feelings, and whatnot. You know the man that was in your head while you read the article better than I know him. So you’ll have to consider his behavior while you end up in a specific conclusion. A wrap up of how a man manifests emotional attraction:

He truly listens to you;He’s safe to be vulnerable around to;You feel heard and understood around him;He notices small and big changes in your mood;He keeps his contact with you consistent;He tries to work things out whenever there’s a problem in a relationship;

The bottom line is, you’ll know. Emotions find a way to show out. If he’s emotionally attracted to you, especially if this attraction is mutual, you’ll know. You’ll feel it. Love, Callisto

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